- Smarandache组合数列Smarandache combinatorial sequence
- 组合assemble
- 组合的combined
- 重新组合reset
- 排列组合permutation and combination
- Smarandache函数Smarandache function
- 投资组合investment portfolio
- F.Smarandache函数F. Smarandache function
- 变项数列series of variable terms
- 组合式combined type
- 伪Smarandache函数the pseudo Smarandache function
- 变异数列variational series
- 组合数学combinatorics
- Smarandache可乘函数Smarandache multiplicative function
- 变量数列图graph of variable series
- 组合件assembly (parts)
- 新的Smarandache函数new Smarandache function
- F.Smarandache对偶函数F. Smarandache dual function
- 组合框combo box
- F.Smarandache可乘函数F. Smarandache multiplicative function