- Soft Power View 软权力论
- Neither American hard nor soft power is fading. 美国的硬实力和软实力都没有变弱。
- Charm Offensive -- How China's Soft Power is Transforming the World? 魅力攻势--中国的软实力是如何改变世界的?
- You have no legal power viewed in this forum. 您没有在本论坛浏览的权限。
- The Obama administration's commitment to "soft power" is already faltering. 奥巴马政府有关“软实力”的承诺已经在摇摇欲坠。
- It even provides the party with a tool for advancing soft power abroad. 它甚至为共产党提供了一个在海外推进软实力的工具。
- In Joseph Nye's opinion, EU is the closest competitor to USA in soft power. 摘要奈伊认为欧盟是美国软权力的竞争对手。
- Despite the economic miracle, the city's leaders are also aware Shenzhen needs to increase its “soft power,” and view the Shenzhen Universiade as an ideal platform to achieve this. 除了经济因素,深圳市领导同样认识到深圳需要加强软环境的建设。可以把这次举办世界大学生运动会视为一次检验的平台。
- More lower power view of hemmorrhagic areas and interface between myometrial tissue and this lesion will be helpful. 出血区域和病变与肌层交界处的低倍照片可能有帮助。
- For China to acquire cultural soft power,the road ahead will be long and difficult. 中国要取得文化软体力量,这道路是漫长的、艰巨的。
- Soft power is achieved only when other nations admire and want to emulate aspects of that nation's civilisation. 只有当其他国家对某个国家的文化产生仰慕之情,愿意仿效这个文化的某些方面,软体力量才可能发挥其影响。
- A good image of the administration is ruling party's intangible asset, priceless treasure and important soft power. 良好的执政形象是执政党的无形资产、无价之宝和十分重要的软权力。
- The amount of various infiltrating lymphoid cells was also indicated (cell no. high power view) termed reactive T cell index (TCI), pan B cell index (BCI), monocyte/macrophage index (MMI), and dendritic cell index (DCI) respectively. 各种淋巴类细胞指数以高倍视野下的细胞平均数表示 ,即反应性 T细胞指数 (T cell index,TCI) ,B细胞指数 (B cell index,BCI) ,树突状细胞指数 (dendriticcell index,DCI)和单核 /巨噬细胞指数 (Monocytes/macrophages index,MMI)。
- The positive use that China can make of its increasing soft power is epitomised in Africa. 中国运用日益增长的软力量发挥积极影响可从与非洲的交往中窥见一斑。
- For China to acquire cultural soft power, the road ahead will be long and difficult. 中国要取得文化软体力量,这道路是漫长的、艰巨的。
- It was easy for the Chinese to dissociate the soft power of American society from the hard power of Washington. 中国人很容易将美国社会的软实力与美国政府的硬实力区分开来。
- Beijing's diplomatic influence is expanding as well, supposedly thanks to its newfound soft power. 北京的外交影响正在逐渐扩大,这也理应感谢其新形成的软实力。
- RFE-RL was probably the most successful "soft power" expenditure that Washington ever made. 自由欧洲电台可能是华盛顿曾经做出的最成功的“软力量”开支。
- Thus, soft power is often associated with the rise of globalization and neoliberal international relations theory. 正因为它传播国家的语言,或者是一套特别的标准结构。
- Some of the lining epithelia appear mucinous, but I cannot be sure without high power views. 部分衬覆上皮呈粘液性,但因未提供高倍图像,我不能确信。