- Support Tank Command 支援坦克司令部
- Can be upgraded to produce the Panzer IV Infantry Support Tank. 可以通过升级获得制造四型步兵支援坦克的能力。
- Panzer Elite Panzer IV Infantry Support tank had its main weapon accuracy increased vs tp_infantry (US and Wehrmacht infantry) and tp_infantry_elite (US Rangers) from .4 to .5. 装甲精英四型步兵支援坦克主炮对英军步兵以及美国游骑兵射击精度倍数由40%25增加到50%25。
- Tank Commander: SMG, pistol, binoculars and sometimes with grenades. 冲锋枪部队:携带冲锋枪,大多数有手雷。
- Anyone tried ghosts with EMP to support tanks vs immortals at Blizzard HQ? 有人用用幽灵的EMP在坦克对抗不朽者的时候提供辅助么?
- Slim Price, at the left, and the Pershing tank commander stand in front of the Tiger knocked out at Elsdorf. 这一张照片上的虎1是被放弃在莫斯科郊外,被毛子用于打击试验。
- Many, perhaps a majority, of the tank commanders killed in action had been standing in the open turret, so as to see. 很多,也许是大部分坦克车长的作战牺牲是为了观察情况,而起身于打开的炮塔。
- Author and tank commander Otto Carius thrusts the reader firsthand into the thick of battle, replete with the blood, smoke, mud, and gunpowder so command to the elite German fighting units. 本书作者,坦克指挥官奥托卡利尤斯将会带读者们直接体会那充满血腥,硝烟,泥泞和火药味的激烈战斗,这些战斗中都有德国精锐战斗部队的身影。
- By early August the dashing tank commander General George Patton was rushing headlong across northern France toward Paris. 8月初,斗志昂扬的坦克司令乔治 - 巴顿将军穿过了法国北部,直捣巴黎。
- Pick your path - be it as a rifleman crawling the trenches, a steel fisted tank commander, or ace fighter pilot dog fighting to protect the skies. 挑选您的路径-无论是作为一个老兵检索战壕,钢铁吝坦克指挥官,或狗王牌战斗机飞行员的战斗,以保护天空。
- And clearest of all in that scene is the frozen expression of fear and confusion on the face of the American tank commander. 在那场景中最清晰的莫过于美国坦克指挥官脸上冻结了的表情,满是担忧与困惑。
- Harry is a tank commander trained to lead a 12-person team in four armoured reconnaissance vehicles, and has expressed his desire to serve with his men. 哈里王子已经被训练成一名指挥12名士兵的坦克车指挥官。他表示希望与他的战友一起奔赴战场的远望。
- At the end of their maiden drive, most new tank commanders emerge covered in dust and glory to pose proudly with elbows resting on the hatch like bat-tle-hardened veterans. 在学员初试身手结束后,大部分新战车指挥官再冒出来时,往往全身是灰,但一身荣光。他们把手肘放在舱口上,摆出一副身经百战的老兵姿态。
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。
- He is a tank commander. 他是个坦克指挥官。
- Note: Many FTP servers do not support this command. 注意:大多数FTP服务器不支持这个命令。
- Not a tank commander, it was geared toward the training of tank troop lieutenants, and a lieutenant could already become commander of a tank, platoon, or in the best case, a company commander. 直译:不是(训练)坦克车长,而是训练坦克部队的中尉,而一个中尉可能会成为一辆坦克的车长,一排之长,或者最多,连长。
- I have a wife and two children to support. 我有妻子和两个小孩要扶养。
- He had to work hard to support his family. 他不得不努力工作来养家。
- Panzer Elite Action: Dunes of War is an addon for PEA: Field of Glory that follows the story of two tank commanders and their crews through their harrowing North Africa battle campaigns. 德国指挥官,要求协助意大利军队,从欧洲战场沙丘的撒哈拉。美国指挥官进入战争对非洲海滩的地中海。