- Thiele连分式Thiele's continued fraction
- 矩阵连分式matrix continued fraction
- 向量连分式vector valued continued fraction
- 关于Thiele型向量值连分式收敛定理的一个注记A Note on Convergence Theorem for Thiele-Type Vector Valued Continued Fractions
- 连线link
- Thiele型插值Thiele's interpolation
- 连篇tissue
- Thiele-like插值Thiele-like interpolation
- 连播chain broadcast
- Thiele-Small参数thiele-small parameters
- 二元Thiele-like插值Thiele-like interpolation
- 藕断丝连(of lovers etc.) separated but still in each other's thoughts
- Thiele-Werner有理插值Thiele-Werner rational interpolation
- 就连even
- Thiele型向量值有理插值Thiele-type vector ratonal interpolants
- 连击batter
- 连通性connexity
- 计算大Thiele模数催化剂有效因子的近似方法Approximate Method for Determining Efficiency Factors of Catalyst Particle with Large Value Thiele Modulus
- 连字符hyphen
- 连系copula