- L3总线L3 bus
- L3交换L3 switch
- L3-受限图T3-confined graphs
- L3服务器VLAN
- L3铝合金Aluminum alloy L3
- 腰椎L3-L5lumbar vertebrae L3-Ls
- 地衣芽孢杆菌L3Bacillus licheniformis L3
- L3能源管理子系统L3 energy management subsystem
- 并以L3-L5 DRGs支配为主。And these neurons mainly distribute inL3-L5 DRGs.
- 3Com3300与Cisco2948G-L3交换机的互联Interconnecting of 3Com 3300 Switch and Cisco 2948G-L3 Switch Router
- C8H10对白兰叶表皮污染物清除效果比CHC l3好.However,C8H10 was better than CHCl3 for leaf epidermis of M.alba.
- 2004年7月14日山西盂县南娄M_L3.4地震考察报告Survey Report of the Jul. 14,2004 Nanlou,Yuxian,Earthquake of M_L3. 4 in Shanxi
- AFU、AFP-L3、HCY联合检测对原发性肝癌早期诊断临床价值的研究The clinical value of the combined detection of AFU,AFP-L3 and HCY in the diagnosis of primary hepatic cancer
- 结果椎管狭窄位于L3,4平面6例,L4,5水平者29例,位于L5,S1平面者15例。Results 6 cases lied in spinl canal between third and fourth lumbar, 29 cases lied in spinal canal between fourth and fifth lumbar, 15 cases lied between fifth lumbar and first sacrum.
- 为了避开这一问题,硬件供应商提供了大型的L3缓存,但这只是一种有限的解决方案。To circumvent this, hardware vendors provide large L3 caches, but this is only a limited solution.
- L3汽车信息软件是追踪税费-可扣除的汽车里程和费用的一个快的和容易的方法。L3 Auto Log is a quick and easy way to track tax-deductible auto mileage and expenses.
- 狭窄并滑脱的节段 :L4 549例 ,L3 46例 ,L5 S12 5例 ,L3 4、L4 52例 ,L3 S14例。Myelography was performed in 61 patients, and CTM in 6. Stenosis and spondylolisthesis located between L 4 and L 5 in 49 patients, between L 3 and L 4 in 6, between L 5 and S 1 in 25, between L 3 and L 4 and between L 4 and L 5 in 2, and from L 3 to S 1 in 4. The patients with pathological spondylolisthesis were excluded.
- 绝经后T2DM患者L2 、L3 、L4、Neck、Ward区、GT的BMD值高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1) ;Postmenopausal T2DM patients had significantly higher BMD at L 2,L 3,L 4,femoral neck,ward triangle and greater trochanter(GT) as compared with non-diabetic controls(P< 0.01).
- 以A lC l3微量水的催化体系研究了桥式四氢双环戊二烯通过两步法反应合成金刚烷。Using tendo-tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene as raw material and AlCl_3-trace water system as catalyst,adamantane was synthesized by two steps.
- (2)卵圆核壳的传出纤维投射至L1、L3和部分L2听区,在L区周围亦存在许多标记终末;Injections of BDA into the n. ovoidalis and its shell areas (Ov shell) resulted in labeling of terminals within field L 1, L 3 and part L 2 of neostriatum and some labeled terminals extended into the peripheral zones of field L;