- Time delay and integration CCD 延迟积分电荷耦舍器件
- First, Pulse Driving Circuit for TDI/CCD Image Sensor is as follows:CCD Time Delay and Integration image sensor arrays(TDI/CCD) offers significant sensitivity improvement over a linear sensor. 首先是TDI/CCD图像传感器脉冲驱动电路的研究:与普通线阵CCD图像传感器相比,时间延时积分CCD图像传感器(TDI/CCD)有更高的灵敏度。
- time delay and integration charge coupled devices (TDICCD) 时间延时积分电荷耦合器件
- Fiber grating True Time Delay and OEIC True Time Delay techniques are investigated and discussed in this paper. 本文围绕其中的光纤光栅真延时技术和集成光学真延时技术作了深入的了解和研究。
- In order to simulate Internet environment in Ethernet, time delay is divided into constant delay and random sample period considering datagram loss. 为了能在局域网中模拟因特网的网络环境,文章根据基于TCP/IP的远程控制系统中存在延时和延时不确定的特点,提出了将网络延时分为固定延时和采样周期波动的随机延时,同时考虑数据报的丢失。
- The article introduces inh ibiting methods such as phase splitting, TVP, resistive and capacitive absorbing , time delay and coupling removing. 本文介绍了分相、TVP、阻容吸收、延时、去耦等抑制方法。
- The FSMC is used to deal with the networked-induced noise and the chatters,and predictive way is used to deal with time delay and data packet dropout. 设计模糊滑模控制器(FSMC)来抑制网络控制系统中的诱导噪声及滑模面上的“抖动”,以及采用预估补偿策略处理网络中的时滞和数据包丢失等,可有效保证系统的稳定。
- An underwater acoustic communication scheme using time delay and multiple frequency modula-tion technique is presented in this paper. 研究了一种采用脉冲时延差和多频码元组合编码的水声通信技术。
- The detailed numerical simulation results of time delay and cross talk noise for the interconnect in VLSI circuits are given. 用数值计算方法详细地模拟了VLSI电路中金属互连线的延迟及串扰。
- The system under consideration involves time-varying parameter uncertainties, state time delay and unknown nonlinear disturbances. 系统包含时变参数不确定性、状态时滞和未知非线性扰动。
- The breakdown time delay and jitter are very important for the plasma-electrode Pockels cells(PEPC) electro-optic switch driven by one-pulse process. 减小单脉冲等离子体电极普克尔盒电光开关击穿时间延迟与抖动问题是提高大口径电光开关性能的关键。
- In this paper, a class of predator-prey diffusive system of two species with time delay and ratio is studied by the using of coincidence degree theory. 摘要本文研究了一类具有时滞和比率的两种群捕食者-食饵扩散系统。应用重合度理论。得出了该系统正周期存在性与扩散系数无关的新结果。
- The simulation results show that the modified protocol is more efficient than the traditional DSR in time delay and addressing success rate under the two given scenarios. 实验结果证明 ,在两种特定通信环境下改进的DSR协议较之传统的DSR协议在时延和寻址成功率方面更有效
- The modeling of industrial ethernet control system with simultaneous existence of both network-induced time delay and data packet dropout was investigated. 研究同时具有网络诱导时延和数据包丢失的工业以太网络控制系统的建模问题。
- In this article, it focuses on First order system with time delay and according to PI Controller, it designs four fine turning methods in terms of IAE, ISE, ITSE and ITAE. 本文以一阶具时间延迟系统为研究对象,对于PI控制器,以IAE、ISE、ITSE、ITAE为系统的性能指标,并设计四种微调方法;
- Supply chain management and integration. 供应链管理和整合。
- Based on the generalized correlation method for estimation of time delay and combined with practice of sonar engineering, this paper presents a new method for precise estimation of time delay used by active sonar signal with high SNR. 本文结合声纳工程实际,在广义相关时延估计基础上,提出一种既具有较高精度,又易于工程实现的适用于较高信噪比条件下主动声纳信号的精确测时方法。
- Served the public with dedication and integrity. 以无私奉献的精神廉正地为民众服务
- A programmed time delay of variable duration. 暂停,展宽一种由程序设置的可变持续时间的时间延迟
- Perform unit testing and integration testing. 执行单元测试和集成测试。