- UHT高钙牛乳的研制Development for UHT Milk with High Content of Calcium
- 高钙质灰岩high-calcium limestone
- 金属-半导体-金属(MSM)结构4H-SiC紫外光电探测器的研制Fabrication of MSM structure UV photodetector on 4H-SiC
- 特发性高钙症idiopathic hypercalcemia
- 特发性高钙血症idiopathic hypercalcemia
- 酸羊奶的研制Develop of sour ewe's milk
- "他终当然会拿到更高的薪水。" "那要看他什么时候有这个资格。""Of course he will get a higher salary eventually." "If or when he qualifies."
- 高新区high and new technology industrial development zone
- 单臂电液锤的研制Developing of Single Arm Electro- Hydraulic Hammer
- 新型渗花釉的研制Developing of the new type seep curlicue glaze
- 他在一项研究中发现,高钙饮食可以帮助体重超标的人减肥。In his research,he's found that a high-calcium diet actually helps overweithgt people to drop pounds.
- 造纸消泡剂的研制Developing the foam-killing agent in paper-making
- 镶铸复合锤头的研制Developing inlaying and casting compound hammer top
- 一种新型角规的研制Developing of A New-type Angle Gauge
- 落砂冷却滚筒的研制Developing of a Shakeout and Cooling Barrel
- 带油涂装底漆的研制Developing of priming paint for coating to oil-sucking ship-plate
- 南瓜籽乳饮料的研制Developing of pumpkin seed-milk beverage
- 杞柳去皮设备的研制Developing the Equipment of Peeling off the Osier
- 经颅磁刺激仪的研制Developing transcrannial magnetic stimulation instrument
- 防爆电器的研制特点Development Characteristics of Flame-proof Electric Apparatus