- 大肠癌致急性完全机械性肠梗阻的X线平片表现X-ray Features of Acute Complete Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction due to Carcinoma of Large Intestine
- 放射性核素骨显像与X线平片对前列腺癌骨转移的诊断分析Diagnostic Analysis of Radionuclide Bone Imaging and X-ray Film for Bone Metastasis of Prostate Cancer
- 胸内脊膜膨出的X线平片及CT表现(附3例报告)X-ray Plain Film and CT Findings of Intrathoracic Spinal Meningocele(A Report of 3 Cases)
- X线平片表现radiologic finding
- 在线in-line
- 23例肠梗阻术前诊断正确率:腹部X线平片为69.6%(16/23); CT为100%(14/14)。Among 23 small bowel obstruction, 16 (69.6%25) cases with plain abdominal radiography were diagnosed,all of 14 cases with CT were diagnosed.
- X线片表现:ACB组6周4例,10周5例融合;The X-Ray finding presented the bony fusion in 4 rabbits at 6vveeks and 5 rabbits at 10 weeks in the ACB group.
- 平片表现plain film appearance
- 目的 探讨X线平片、CT、三维CT在颌面颞部疾病定位定性的诊断价值和互补性。Objective To investigate the value and complementarity of CT,3D CT and routine X ray film in localizing and qualitative diagnosis of maxillary facial and temporal diseases.
- 平片,平片表现plain film appearance
- 胃脘痛的辨证分型和X线表现Discriminate typing and X-ray manifestation of stomach pain
- 胸部放射学:平片表现与鉴别诊断Chest radiology: plain film patterns and differential diagnoses
- 骨盆X线表现特征对氟骨症诊断的价值Diagnostic value of X-ray photography feature in pelvis of skeletal fluorosis
- X线摄片X-ray photography
- 方法:对我院近两年来肋骨骨折胸部平片诊断有疑问或平片表现正常而临床症状明显的37例患者,进行数字化透视与采集图像对比分析。Methods The thirty seven cases of rib fracture in our hospotal near two years of chest x-ray plain film diagnosis query or x-ray plain film normal but clinical symptom obvious made contrast analysed of digital fluroscopy and collect imaging.
- 心脏直视术后心外并发症的X线表现Radiographic Manifestations of Extracardiac Complications after Open Heart Surgery
- X线胸片架X-ray chest stand
- X-线平片Ultrasound
- 骨纤维异常增殖症X线表现特征大致可分为四种类型:1)囊状膨胀性改变; 2)磨玻璃状改变;X ray features of fibrous dysplasia of bone could be divided into four kinds of types: 1) Cystiform - expansibility change, 2) frosted glass-form change, 3) palisade form change, and 4) insect biting off form change.
- X线平片plain film radiography