- X-射线微焦点CTX- ray micro-focus computer tomography
- 微焦点X射线源Micro-focus source of X-ray
- 检测陶瓷零件的微焦点X-CT实验系统An Experimental System of Microfocal X-CT Applied to NDT of Ceramics
- X射线微衍射X-ray microdiffraction
- 微焦点X射线测量微细颗粒沉淀两相流Sedimentation measurements of small particle suspensions by a microfocus X-ray tomography system
- 微焦点microfocus
- 这枪能发出看不见的射线。The gun can fire invisible rays.
- 我们用x表示一个未知数。We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.
- 微焦点X线管microfocus X-ray tube
- X-CT成像X CT imagery
- X线计算机(CT)X -ray computed
- X射线焦点focal spot of X ray
- 鼻骨骨折的X线与CT诊断Diagnosis of nasal bone fraetures with X-ray and CT
- X射线显微分析X-ray microanalysis
- CT与X线对早期强直性脊柱炎的诊断Diagnoses of CT scan and X-ray film with the early ankylosing spondylitis
- X射线显微照片microradiogram
- X线管焦点对地距离Distance from focus of X-ray tube to ground
- X射线显微摄影术microradiography
- X射线显微照相术microradiography
- 超硬X射线Super-hard X-ray