- Zn掺杂PST薄膜Zn-doped PST thin film
- Mg掺杂PST薄膜的溶胶-凝胶法制备及晶相形成研究Preparation and phase formation of sol-gel derived PST thin film doped with Mg
- Sol-gel法Mg掺杂PST薄膜的制备与介电性能研究Preparation and Study on Dielectric Properties of Mg-doped PST Thin Film Derived by Sol-gel Method
- PST薄膜PST films
- Zn掺杂Zn doped
- 另外,在纳米SnO_2制备的同时进行Zn掺杂,制得Zn掺杂含量X_(Zn)分别为1%、2%、3%的SnO_2材料。The mol contents of the adulterated Zn in SnO_2 are 1%25, 2%25 and 3%25.
- Mg掺杂PST陶瓷及薄膜的制备与性能研究The Preparation and Properties of Mg Doped PST Ceramics and Thin Films
- Zn掺杂n型硅材料的补偿研究Compensation Study of Zn Doped n-type Silicon Materials
- 薄膜film
- PstⅠPst Ⅰ
- 脉冲激光诱导InP的Zn掺杂过程中,金属-半导体分界面附近的温度是影响掺杂浓度和掺杂深度的一个重要因素.In the process of doping Zn into InP induced by the pulsed laser,the temperature of the semiconductor and metal interface is one of the most important factors which affect the depth and impurity concentration of laser inducing doping.
- SiO2/PStSiO2/PSt
- 钛酸锶铅(PST)lead strontium titanate
- 差温法制备具有Ti、Zn掺杂限流层的BH激光器BH Laser with Ti,Zn Doped Confinement Layer Fabricated by Differential Temperature Growth
- 薄膜的pellicular
- PST脂质体在猪血浆中稳定性的研究A Study of the Stability on the PST Lipoplast of Pig's Blood Plasma
- R-C光学系统可见光杂光PST的研究与测试Point Source Transmittance( PST) of Visible Stray Light of R-C Optical System and Its Measurements
- PSt-b-PAA的ATRP法合成及其在甲苯中自组装Synthesis of PSt-b-PAA by ATRP Approach and Its Self-Assembling Behavior in Toluene
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- 薄膜开关thin film switch