- A telemarketer with an Ivy League degree. 电话营销专家,有长春藤学位。
- Jennifer's father wants her to attend an Ivy League University. 詹妮弗的父亲要她上常春藤联合会的一所大学。
- an ivy leaf 常春藤叶.
- Even through the twilight they could see that clinging to its stem against the wall was the long ivy leaf. 即使透过暮光他们也能看到那片长长的常青藤叶子,靠着砖墙,仅仅抱住梗茎。
- It was a cavenous wood-paneled room that looked like a tiered classroom from an Ivy league Law school. 这是一个凹陷的木板装饰的房间,看起来很像一排常青藤联盟学校法律学院的教室。
- The day wore away, and even through the twilight they could see the lone ivy leaf clinging to its stem against the wall. 这一天熬过去了,但她们仍然能够透过黄昏的微光看见那片孤独寂寞的叶子依偎着叶柄悬挂在墙上。
- Ginkgo biloba extract, Olive leaf extract, Schisandra fruit extract, Saw palmetto extract, Kava extract, Ivy leaf extract and plant extract. 银杏叶提取物,橄榄叶提取物,北五味子提取物,锯叶棕提取物,卡瓦提取物,常春藤提取物等植物提取物。
- The ceremony, which will be held this Thursday, has become an Ivy League tradition, with Nobel Prize winners on hand to salute the winners. 将于本周四举行的颁奖仪式已经成为常青藤联盟的一项传统,届时诺贝尔奖得主将到场向获奖者致敬。
- After the beating rain and fierce gust of wind that had endured through the livelong night, there yet stood out against the brick wall one ivy leaf. 经过这一整夜的狂风暴雨,砖墙上还立着一片常青藤叶子。
- In our sartorially egalitarian age, one doesn't need to be a blue blood or an Ivy grad to occupy the corner office or know the name of the best tailors. 在这个穿著上讲求平等的年代,人们不一定要出身名门或毕业于常春藤名校才能入主经理办公室或说得出最好的裁缝的名字。
- The ivy leaf was still there! 那片叶子仍然在那儿!
- Studies on ivy leaf speedwell in this paper show that its chromosome number varies from 18, 36, 54, 32 to 22, accounting for 23.91%, 1.09%, 2.17%, 69.57%and 3.26%of the total respectively. 对该种的染色体计数表明,我国境内的这一新外来杂草染色体数目从18、36、54、32和22均有;分别占总计数的23.;91%25、1
- Wild went Dickson with excitement when he discovered the door, hidden under the ivy leaves, to the secret garden. 当迪克森发现了掩藏在长青藤下的通往秘密花园的门时,他兴奋地忘乎所以了。
- Ivy leaves about 5 cm large, small and about 2 centimeters, but they are small and exquisite, and very cute. 常春藤的叶子大的长约5厘米,小的则约有2厘米,但都是小巧玲珑的,十分可爱。
- Not every graduate from an Ivy League school @makes the grade@ in life; even a first-rate education is no guarantee of success. 并不是每一个常春藤盟校的毕业生都能在人生中“出人头地”,即使一流的学府也不能保证功成名就。
- Within 24 hours, per square meter of ivy leaves can absorb a lot of formaldehyde. 在24小时中,每平方米的常春藤叶面能够吸收很多的甲醛。
- Now, like an Ivy League school, it is starting to look for more well-rounded candidates, like those who have published books or started their own clubs. 而现在的它更像一所常春藤名校,开始把目光放在那些多面手身上,例如招一些出过书或是建过俱乐部的人。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。