- Witchcraft is an extraordinary ancient culture. 巫是一种异常古老的文化。
- Ancient culture is the bedrock of all. 古老的文化蕴孕着时代永恒的文明。
- It demonstrated the brilliance of China's ancient culture. 它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。
- Xi'an is a world-famous city for her ancient culture. 西安是一座举世闻名的文化古城。
- Ancient culture and modern development exist side by side. 传统文化和现代化发展共存。
- Please take me to the Ancient Culture Street in Tianjin. 请载我去古文化街。
- The ancient culture, the friendly people and the terrific food. 中国的古代文化,友好的人民和美味的食品。
- The excavations brought to light the remnants of an ancient culture. 这些出土文物揭开了一个古文化的遗迹。
- The picture left shows a kite shop in the Ancient Culture Mall of Tianjin. 左图为天津古文化街上的风筝店铺。
- His book on contemporary literature also glances at the customs of ancient cultures. 他的那部论述当代文学的书也顺便提到了古代文化中的一些风俗习惯。
- The Yellow River Basin was the birthplace of China's ancient culture. 黄河流域是我国古代文化的发祥地。
- Nuo is an ancient culture form which is titled as "fossil of Chinese drama". 傩是一种古老的传统文化,被称为“戏剧的古化石”,最早关注傩文化的是戏剧学家。
- The work glances at the customs of ancient cultures. 该著作简略地提到古代文明的习俗。
- These books acquaint Chinese readers with the ancient cultures of these lands. 这些书帮助中国读者了解这些地区的古代文化。
- Sites of ancient culture,ancient tombs and cave temples shall be owned by the state. 古文化遗址、古墓葬、石窟寺属于国家所有。
- Chinese Americans retain many aspects of their ancient culture, even after having lived here for several generations. 美籍华人保留了他们古老文化的许多方面,甚至在美国生活了几代人之后也是如此。
- The Italy that appealed to Berlioz was not that of classical ancient culture but the romantic wild country of mountains and brigands. 在意大利,吸引着柏辽兹的不是典雅的古代文化,而是那山脉连绵、大盗出没、富有浪漫色彩的荒郊野岭。
- This book acquaints the students with the ancient cultures of Europe. 这本书帮助学生了解欧洲的古代文化。
- Those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable for larceny. 私自挖掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的,以盗窃论处。
- Bronze art is one of the main parts in the Chinese ancient culture, which has a close contact with the history, metallurgy, character, sculpt art. 青铜艺术是我国古代文化遗产中的一个主要部分,它与历史、冶金、文字、造型美术有着相当密切的联系。商、周青铜器历来在国际上享有极高的荣誉。