- antithetical couplet about tea 茶联
- This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting. 这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。
- The development of these two clues mixed and brought about Ne w Year scrolls that evolved into antithetical couplet in modern sense. 这两条线索不断向前发展,最后交汇融合,便产生了春联,现代意义上的对联则是由春联演化而来的。
- Look at the antithetical couplet on booth sides of the doorway. 你看这殿门口的对联。
- Third,Study the news title of antithsis and antithetical couplet. 三、研究对句、对联型新闻标题。
- Jin Yong's book may compose an antithetical couplet "". 金庸的书可以组成一对联“”。
- On the pillar of this pavilion, there is an antithetical couplet. 这座亭子的柱上嵌刻着一副抱柱对儿。
- This antithetical couplet hanging in the library was written by Lu Hsun. 图书馆墙上这幅字迹苍遒的对联,正是鲁迅的手迹。
- During Spring Festival, I wrote an antithetical couplet and hung it on my door. 春节时我亲自题写了一副对联,挂在门的两侧。
- It seems your knowledge about tea is not comprehensive. 看来你对茶还是了解得不够全面。
- The Tang Dynasty were quite particular about tea drinking. 皇族都非常讲究饮茶。
- Other or " group one"ties methods and so on antithetical couplet by the relative to solve. 其它的均由亲属或“一帮一”结对子等手段来解决。
- The antithetical couplet is a unique and traditional form of folk literature in China. 摘要对联是我国独有的民族民俗传统文艺样式。
- Hasn't the valentine day to, what had to deliver well, delivers antithetical couplet. 情人节到了生日聚会,没啥好送的,就送对联一副。
- Seeks for advice the description spring's verse. Idiom. Maxim. Aphorism. Antithetical couplet ...... 求教描写春天的诗句.成语.格言.警句.对联......
- Quiz on knowledge about tea culture, prize will be given to winners. 现场游戏:关于英国茶文化的知识竞猜,设有奖品。
- Young people used an alias “the scenery” with on a Ningbo Engineering college's difficulty study pine resin the assistance antithetical couplet. 一位年轻人化名“风景”和宁波工程学院的一位困难学生结上了助学对子。
- The translator must have some funny idea about tea time in the Victorian era. 译者显然对维多利亚时代的社交活动有奇特的看法。
- Software Description: About Tea for Two, Here are two kitties behind a tea cup. 在这儿是在茶杯子后面的二只小猫。
- As the following antithetical couplet goes: The hero has given his life in defence of his beloved motherland/The land has taken on new lustre by the presence of the martyr. 正是,英雄为河山捐躯,名城因烈士增辉。