- Study on Aroma Compounds of the Black Piper Nigrum L. 黑胡椒风味成分的研究。
- Title: Study on Aroma Compounds of the Black Piper Nigrum L. 关键词:黑胡椒;风味成分;固相微萃取;气相色谱-质谱法
- Ethyl butanoate, 1-butanol, 3-methyl-butyl acetate, ethyl acetate and ethyl 2-methyl-butanoate were main aroma compounds of Fuji fruit. 富士苹果果实主要香气成分为丁酸乙酯、1-丁醇、乙酸3-甲基丁酯、乙酸乙酯和2-甲基丁酸乙酯。
- In addition to CO2 and ethanol, which raise the dough, the yeast forms a variety of aroma compounds. 除了CQ和乙醇可使面团膨胀外,酵母也可在面团中形成一系列风味化合物。
- Two kinds of biotransformation method for preparing thiols as aroma compounds were introduced. 介绍了两种通过生物转化制备硫醇类香料化合物的方法。
- Title: Studies on the Volatile Aroma Compounds in Fruit of Chinese White Olive Sanling (Canarium album Raeusch. 关键词:棱榄;果实;香气;固相微萃取;气相色谱-质谱联用仪
- Recently, some techniques, like liquid-liquid extraction, headspace, chromatography fractionation and SPME, have applied to the researches of aroma compounds in Chinese rice wine. 近年来,顶空取样、液液萃取、色谱分离技术、固相微萃取等技术已经开始应用于黄酒的风味成分研究。
- The main results are as follows:From veraison to harvest, 108 aroma compounds were identified in Chardonnay 98-CH-548 fruit. 98-CH-548在葡萄转色初期以酯类、酸类和醛类化合物为主,在接近成熟时则以酯类、醇类、酸类化合物为主。
- GC-O is a widely used flavor analysis technology,the AEDA method of GC-O plays an important role in identification of key aroma compounds. 技术是近年来国外广泛使用的一种香味分析技术,其中的稀释方法AEDA在鉴别关键芳香化合物方面具有优势。
- This paper screened the potent aroma compounds of beef flavoring by AEDA,the majority of which had already been reported in other references. 文中采用AEDA技术分析自制牛肉香精的关键芳香化合物,发现该牛肉香精香味中的绝大多数气味活性化合物在相关的牛肉香味文献中都有报道。
- Using simultaneous distillation-extraction technique,the volatile aroma compounds of Beijing ducks and Cherry Valley ducks were investigated by means of GC-MS. 北京鸭 /樱桃谷鸭分别经同时蒸馏提取 ,香气提取物用Vigreux柱浓缩后 ,用气 质联用仪对其进行分析。
- Several compounds in coffee may contribute to its antioxidant capacity, including phenols, volatile aroma compounds and oxazoles that are efficiently a orbed. 咖啡中的一些成分有助于咖啡的抗氧化能力,包括可以被有效吸收的苯酚、可挥发的芳香族化合物、唑。
- Comparing HS-SPME with SDE method, the volatile aroma compounds which represented the "odor" of flavor were monitored by the former and the latter embodied the "taste" of flavor. 比较两种提取挥发性成分的方法可知,HS-SPME法主要检出香气组分中的易挥发性化合物,它们代表了风味物质的“香气”;
- Several compounds in coffee may contribute to its antioxidant capacity, including phenols, volatile aroma compounds and oxazoles that are efficiently absorbed. 咖啡中的一些成分有助于咖啡的抗氧化能力,包括可以被有效吸收的苯酚、可挥发的芳香族化合物:唑。
- By olfactometry experiment and detection of non-volatile compounds, this paper mainly focused on compounds changes during the formation of aroma compounds of lentinus edodes' by hot-air drying method. 摘要通过感官分析香菇香味形成的非挥发性成分的变化,对香菇热风干燥过程中的香气形成机理进行了研究。
- Several sample preparation techniques in analysis of aroma compounds were reviewed, including solvent extraction, headspace technique, solid phase microextraction and direct thermal desorption. 摘要综述了几种样品制备技术,包括溶剂萃取、溶剂辅助蒸馏、同时蒸馏萃取、顶空技术和直接热解吸。
- Keywords AEDA;GC-O;key aroma compounds; 关键芳香化合物;
- The aroma of roasting coffee beans. 烘焙咖啡豆的香味。
- The People's Bank compounds interest yearly. 人民银行以年为单位计算复利。
- Medicines are usually compounds. 药品通常是复合物。