- Nine officers under me at headquarters. 在总部职位低于我的九个军官
- Within seconds,even commanders back at headquarters know where he is hiding. 几秒钟后,连身在后方指挥中心的司令官都清楚地知道了狙击手躲藏的地点。
- Within seconds, even commanders back at headquarters know where he is hiding. 几秒钟后,连身在后方指挥中心的司令官都清楚地知道了狙击手躲藏的地点。
- Semiannual membership reports and dues due at Headquarters by 5 p.m. Apr.10. 下半年度会员名册与会员会费寄缴总会(4/10前).
- The examples chosen have emerged from consultation with FAO staff both in the field and at headquarters. 与粮农组织实地和总部人员磋商选择了这些方式作为范例。
- Some data is updated only at headquarters, some of it by a single remote user, and some by more than one remote user. 某些数据仅在总部更新,某些数据由单个远程用户更新,还有一些数据由多个远程用户更新。
- I have tried since last year to have someone at headquarters listen to me and go through my file. 去年以来,我一直希望能让公司总部里的某一位听听我的想法,看看这些材料。
- But intelligence gathering does not happen at Headquarters, it happens out in the communities we serve. 但是,情报收集工作却不能在总部进行,而是在我们所服务的社会(社区)里。
- Money is power, and most school board members and superintendents of systems where spending decisions are made at headquarters don't want to give it up. 金钱万能,在那些费用由高层决策的学区中,多数校董及学区主管并不想放弃支配(掌管)费用的权力。
- Although Kutuzov had made a clearance of the superfluous persons on the staff, Boris had succeeded, after the change he had made, in retaining a post at headquarters. 虽然库图佐夫把参谋部所有多余的人都打发走了,鲍里斯却能不受这次调动的影响而留在司令部。
- Hardly a waking moment is wasted whether he is playing the role of a globe-trotting high-tech ambassador or back at headquarters plotting business strategy. 无论是作为高科技的形象大使到世界各地推销微软产品,还是回到微软总部运筹帷幄,只要醒着,他就不会浪费一分一秒的时间。
- On the last day of August he lectured some of his generals at headquarters, attempting to inject new iron into their veins and at the same time hold out hope. 在8月的最后一天,他还在大本营对一部分将领训话,要想为他们打气,让他们抱有希望。
- I'm now based at headquarters. 我现在在总公司工作。
- He is well in at headquarters. 他同总部有密切的联系。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- When Himmler, who was at Hohenlychen, northwest of Berlin, received a firsthand account on the telephone from Hermann Fegelein, his S.S. liaison officer at headquarters, he exclaimed to his entourage, "Everyone is mad in Berlin! 希姆莱当时在柏林西北的霍恩里亨,他从党卫队派驻大本营联络官赫尔曼·菲格莱因打来的电话中获得了第一手消息后,对身边随从喊道:“柏林的人全都疯了!
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。
- The Secretariat of WHO is staffed by some 8000 health and other experts and support staff on fixed-term appointments, working at headquarters, in the six regional offices, and in countries. 世卫组织秘书处配备约8000名定期任用的卫生和其它专家以及支助工作人员,在总部、六个区域办事处和国家工作。
- She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。