- He did a brilliant backward somersault. 他翻了个漂亮的后翻跟头。
- A backward somersault or handspring. 后翻斤斗向后翻的筋斗或后手翻
- Bent-Body double Backward somersault with arms hanging is Huang Liping's expert trick on the parallel Bars. 屈体向后空翻两周成双臂垂悬是黄利平在双杠项目上的特技。
- He slumped with his shoulder on the door handle, the door opened and he fell out of the car in a backward somersault to land on his face in the mud. 他肩膀撞在门把上,把车门撞开;接着一个倒栽葱翻到车外,脸朝下摔在泥地上。
- A dive in which the diver springs from the board facing forward, rotates backward in the air in a half backward somersault, and enters the water headfirst, facing the board. 面对池反身跳水:一种跳水动作,跳水员起跳时脸面对池,然后作后翻半周的动作,头部先入水,此时脸部冲向跳板
- This Ski Trick is a backward somersault in the air. As you take off, shift your weight backwards by leaning back. This will make your spin. 此滑雪动作是指在腾空时向后空翻。起跳时,向后倾斜,转移重心。这样就会迫使后空翻了。
- Backflip in the air backward somersault in the air 后空翻(杂技)
- backward somersault from the bar 后空翻离杠
- backward somersault with two twists 后空翻加转体两次
- Arab spring with hollow backward somersault 侧手翻内转直体后空翻
- vertical backward somersault on trampoline 蹦床上垂直后空翻
- Arab spring with tucked backward somersault 侧手翻内转团身后空翻
- Peggy showed off her new dancing steps and Walter, not to be outdone in a matter of entertaining visitors, his prowess at handstands, cartwheels and backward somersaults. 佩吉卖弄了她的舞步,而沃尔特在讨好观众方面也不甘示弱,就拿出了倒立、横翻筋斗和后翻筋斗的拿手好戏。
- Peggy showed off her new dancing steps and Walter,not to be outdone in a matter of entertaining visitors,his prowess at handstands,cartwheels and backward somersaults. 佩吉卖弄了她的舞步,而沃尔特在讨好观众方面也不甘示弱,就拿出了倒立、横翻筋斗和后翻筋斗的拿手好戏。
- Diving requires skillful take offs,followed by forward or backward somersaults and twists in straight,pike or tuck psitions and then,if all goes well,a clean entry. 跳水求娴熟的起跳,紧着是在空中向前或身后翻筋斗,直体、屈体或团身转体,如果动作完成顺利,最后是一个干净利落的入水。
- He lined out for home without a backward glance. 他头也不回,急忙往家里走去。
- My younger sister turned a somersault. 我妹妹翻了一个筋斗。
- This part of the country is still backward. 这个国家的这个地区仍很落后。
- In some cities housing conditions went backward. 某些城市的住房条件越来越差。
- The teacher was patient with backward children. 那位老师对迟钝的学童十分耐心。