- One feather overlaps another on a bid 's wing. 鸟翅膀上的羽毛一片压着另一片。
- Rossy’s wing was made from carbon composite. 罗斯的“翅膀”是由碳的混合物做成的。
- The resulting picture would be a monster. i.e. peacock‘s tail, snake‘s head, elephant feet, bat‘s wings, etc. 最后出来的画像可能是个怪物,比如:孔雀的尾翼、蛇的头、大象的脚、蝙蝠的翅,等等。
- The bird' s wings have a spread of three feet. 那鸟的双翅展开有3英尺长。
- A bird' s wings enable it to fly. 鸟的翅膀使鸟能飞。
- And evening full of linnet’s wings. 黄昏铺满了红雀的翅膀。
- And evening full of the linnet"s wings. 黄昏时刻红雀的羽翼四处拍打。
- In just six seconds he was moving seventy miles per hour, the speed at which one\’s wing goes unstable on the upstroke. 原来,在短短六秒钟内,他的时速已达到七十哩,在这样的速度下,翅膀一往上提就会摇晃不稳。
- The book was approved by the state\'s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party government but has sparked protests from the party\'s women\'s wing. 这本教科书经拉贾斯坦邦印度人民党政府正式审核通过,但该书还是引起了该党女党员的强烈反对。
- The name stems from Lorenz’s suggestion that a massive storm might have its roots in the faraway flapping of a tiny butterfly’s wing. 学会享受自己的人生吧,因为每个人的人生都很美妙,不见得一定要有人欣赏。
- bat's wing shadow 蝙蝠翼影
- The membrane of a bat's wing is interdigital. 蝙蝠翅膀的膜是长在趾间的。
- I was still waiting for my turn to bat. 我仍等着轮到自己执棒击球。
- The other team won the toss and put us in to bat. 另一个队掷钱币猜赢,因此我们轮到击球。
- Patterns in Nature: Butterflies A male blue morpho butterfly’s wings shine iridescently in this mounted specimen. 意译:蝴蝶在自然界的模型。一只雄性蓝色大闪蝶蝴蝶的翅膀呈现彩虹色的光泽在这个制作标本。
- No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring or the rustle of the insect\'s wings. 即使是白人,虽然他们的上帝跟他们像朋友一样一起行走交谈,他们还是不能免除共同的命运。我们终究都是兄弟。我们会看到。
- He dashed around like a bat out of hell. 他发疯似的横冲直撞。
- Have you done all this work off your own bat? 这些工作都是你独立完成的吗?
- Not until night, they went back to the cage unconstraint.They ate and drunk in the cage, pecking each other’s wings and curveting happily. 还没有等到傍晚,它们就又自愿回到笼子了,它们在笼子里吃着食,喝着水,互相啄着羽毛.快乐地嬉戏着。
- Cocked the bat before swinging at the pitch. 投球时在摆动之前举起球棒