- a battered child; the battered woman syndrome. 受虐待的孩子;受虐妇女综合症。
- battered woman syndrome 妇女受虐综合征, 饱经风霜妇女综合征
- Moreover, not only was defense counsel unaware of BWS, he perpetuated several erroneous notions about battered women. 而且,不仅辩护律师不知道受虐妇女综合症,他还使一些关于受虐妇女的错误观念继续下去了。
- Question: Was homicide or assault defendant a battered woman whose mental state or perceptions were affected by the abuse? 提问:犯杀人或侵害罪的被告是精神状态或认知被虐待影响的受虐妇女吗?
- Battered women leave all the time and are punished for it. 遭虐待的妇女不断离家出走,并因此受到惩罚。
- Organizations for battered women and unwed mothers became her passion. 为受虐待妇女和未婚母亲提供服务的组织成了她热衷去的地方。
- Just this year I saw my landlord evict the woman from the house next to mine (also an escaped battered woman,also with small children) for the offense of having her utilities disconnected for non-payment. 就在今年,我看见我的房东将与我相邻的那位女房客赶走了(她也是挨打后离家出走的妇女,也带着小孩),因为她为了不交费而把房内电器插头拔掉了。
- Yet another woman was killed by her estranged husband in Indianapolis,and yet again the question was asked,"Why don't these battered women leave? 又一名妇女在美国印第安纳波利斯被与她分居的丈夫杀害,由此人们又一次提出这个问题:"为什么这些受虐待的妇女不离家出走呢?
- Adding insult to injury, the police promptly dispatched the battered woman, who suffered the ignominy in full public glare, to her in-laws house, terming it as a “family matter”.No case was filed. 火上浇油的是;警察迅速地打发了受害的妇女;这位妇女在众目睽睽之下遭受凌辱;警察让她回到法定的家里;称这一案件为家庭纠纷.;也没有备案
- One day,Soapy Smith and I visited a shelter for battered women located in a bedraggled section of the city. 有一天,我和索皮·史密斯去位于城区破败不堪角落里的一个收容所,看望那里的受虐妇女。
- It is no wonder those counselors of battered women are not inclined to advise a black-and- blue wife for divorce. 怪不可被打妇女的律师们一般都劝告被打得鼻青脸肿的妻子离婚。
- Opposition to admitting battered women has in part come from politicians who argue that it will open the floodgates. 反对接收这些被家庭成员虐待的妇女的部分理由是,有些政客担心这样做将一发不可收拾。
- In addition to serious physical injuries, marital violence also causes psychological traumas to the battered women. 三、因为离婚的成立,让受暴妇女在婚姻的形式上,脱离了暴力阴影。
- It is no wonder that counselors of battered women are inclined to advise a black-and- blue wife for divorce. 怪不得被打妇女的律师们一般都劝告被打得鼻青脸肿的妻子离婚。
- As a social phenomenon, however, battered women tolerate violence and maintain the relation with the violent partners due largely to complicate individual and social factors. 但受虐妇女容忍暴力、维持与施暴者的关系作为一种客观存在的现象,有其复杂的个体和社会方面的原因。
- Research results included three major findings.First, the battered women had more needs and assistances of protective services in external system and macro-system levels. 研究发现可归纳为三点,分别为:一、婚暴受虐妇女对钜视及外部系统保护服务的需求、需求获得协助情形及满意度较高。
- It is not a fair question to address to battered women who suffer domestic violence for a long time that why they do not leave because this question is based on null judgments. 摘要面对长期或多次遭受家庭暴力的受虐妇女,询问其为什么不离开很不恰当,因为这一问题以一些不当的判断为基础。
- The huge waves battered the wrecked ship to pieces. 巨浪将那艘失事的船只冲击得支离破碎。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- He rested a curious gaze on the strange woman. 他好奇地盯着那个怪异的女人看。