- be depicted quite vividly 描绘得很活
- Finally, poesy works should be depict earthliness life . 三、向民歌学习使他的作品富有世俗气息和民歌风味。
- Horror was depicted on every countenance. 每一张脸上都现出骇愕的表情。
- Biblical scenes had been depicted in the tapestry. 《圣经》的景象被描绘于锦画中。
- Another issue was whether they should be depicted with navels. 另一个问题就是他们是否应该被描述为裸体。
- And he seemed to see, quite vividly, a girl: one whom no hardship would ever defeat, one as passionate as a flame. 他也仿佛看见了一个活生生的姑娘:那是一个任何艰难困苦都不能把她打垮的、热情似火的姑娘。
- Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic plane wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train. 要记住,一个理想的单色平面波应当表述为一个无限的波列。
- The dragons are depicted frolicking in clouds above the sea. 九条蟠龙飞腾戏珠于波涛骇浪之中,栩栩如生,色泽艳丽。
- The design and implementation of HailStorm is still in flux, but the tension that exists within HailStorm between centralization and decentralization is already quite vivid. 下得很大的冰雹的设计和实现仍然在在在集中化之间的下得很大的冰雹以内存在的流动,而是紧张,分散已经是相当生动的。
- Finally, the virtual oscilloscope effect figure was depicted. 最后,给出了虚拟示波器的效果图。
- Other animals were depicted on the periphery of the group. 其他动物在群像的外围加以修饰。
- Chinese Aesthetics in the late 20th century can be depicted by the concept of neo-classicalism. 摘要“新古典主义”是对20世纪后期中国美学审美观念上的描述。
- The detailed maps covering usually the entire urban area.The maps can be depicted in any excerpts and scales. 其详细的地图几乎涉及了城市研究领域的各个方面,并可任意引用。
- Brand (bmnd) is a word from ancient Norwegian writing ---- brandr.It means ‘the brand mark’ which has expressed the brand’s meaning quite vividly ---- how to impress the consumers with the brand mark. 一个好的品牌名称是品牌被消费者认知、接受、满意乃至忠诚的前提,品牌的名称在很大程度上影响品牌联想,并对产品的销售产生直接的影响。
- Choose the bird that was depicted by a certain poet? 另一题:问哪种鸟用?
- The boat in the performances, often go fast Suibu, so the boat can maintain a steady state forward, as if floating in the water on the ship moving, quite vividly shaped surface Hangchuan to the scene. 而乘船者在表演中,往往是走快速碎步,这样能使船身保持平稳的状态前进,犹如在水面上漂动的船那样,颇为形象地塑造出水面行船的情景。
- The causes and the imaging findings of these lesions are depicted. 并且讨论这些胰脏头部伪肿瘤的成因及影像发现。
- The basic connotation of artillery virtual prototype was depicted. 在阐述火炮虚拟样机技术基本内涵的基础上。
- The optimum paths for multiplications of 7 and 8 are depicted in Figure 6. 17. 图6.;17中描绘了倍增7倍和8倍的最优路径。
- There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance. 全场为之震惊,恐惧画在一张张脸孔上。