- Recently covenants have become so weak as to be ineffective. 近来的借款条款太过宽松,以致有等于无。
- The air-conditioner was ineffective in such a crowded room. 在挤那么多人的房间里空气调节器不起作用了。
- Thrusting higher than this point may be ineffective and waste precious time. 如果压入的位置过高,就会不起作用,而且浪费宝贵的时间。
- Rushing tends to cause bombs to be ineffective or cause friendly casualties. 匆忙投下炸弹可能会造成无效攻击或友军伤亡。
- For our militia forces are ineffective. 我们的民兵武装不堪一击。
- No matter how hard he had tried, his efforts to improve his image in the mind of the public proved to be ineffective. 无论他作何努力来改变其在公众心目中的形象,都无济于事。
- He felt strongly that free French would be ineffective and likely to aggravate the situation. 他深感自由法国军队不济事,可能使局势恶化。
- Precautions you take against casually malicious users may be ineffective against determined attackers. 对无目的的恶意用户采取的预防措施对坚定的攻击者可能无效。
- As a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic measures may be ineffective and painful. 作为一名医生,我深知最昂贵和最戏剧化的手段也可能是无效的和痛苦的。
- If their requirements are not being met you are being ineffective. 如果不能满足他们的需求,你就等于在做无用功。
- Once disputes only shouted, "swindled", the so-called owners of the Committee may also be ineffective. 一旦纠纷出现只有大呼“上当”,所谓业主委员会恐怕也起不了作用了。
- It was effective against soft targets but proved to be ineffective against majority of Allied armor. 它对付软目标是十分有效的,但是对付大多数的联军装甲车辆被证明是无效的。
- The enemy bombers were ineffective because they were fighting at close quarters. 敌人轰炸机失效了,因为是近距离战斗。
- We must strengthen both democracy and the legal system because they have been ineffective. 民主和法制,这两个方面都应该加强,过去我们都不足。
- The MCA has been accused of lacking real power and being ineffective in fighting for the interests of the Chinese. 由于马华被指为“当家不当权”,不能有效为华社争取权益;
- It was halted early because of overwhelming evidence that the technology was ineffective. 大量的证据表明,这一设备根本无效,所以研究开始不久就停止了。
- Iodine derivatives are ineffective since they tend to form molecular iodine which is a powerful retarder. 碘的衍生物是无效的。因为它有形成分子碘的倾向,而??是强的阻聚剂。
- Therefore, the applying the Criminal Law on their commitment of bribery was ineffective. 因此,运用刑法中有关承诺贿赂是无效的。
- L-NAME and indomethacin were ineffective in inhibiting the vasodilating action induced by Ipt(P > 0.05). L-NAME、吲哚美辛均不能抑制盐酸埃他卡林的舒血管作用(P>0.;05)。
- Many sites are ineffective and unsophisticated, just trying to cash in on the need to find/fill a job. 许多网站是名不副实的,只是想靠找工作的需求来赚钱。