- 2 The tenderee may extend the bid closing date at its own discretion according to the provisions of article 6. 2招标人可以按第6条规定,通过修改招标文件自行决定酌情延长投标截止期。
- bid closing date 投标截止日
- 3 To give the bidder enough time to study changes to the tender document when writing the bid document, the tenderee may extend the bid closing date at its own discretion. 3为使投标人编写投标文件时有充分时间对招标文件的修改部分进行研究,招标人可以自行决定,酌情延长投标截止日期。
- The closing date for applications is 25 May. 申请的截止日期为5月25日。
- The closing date for entries is 31 March. 参赛作品的截止期是3月31日。
- When is the closing date for the test? 每轮的截至日期是什么时候?
- Don't contribute after the closing date. 请在截止日期前投稿。
- 1 After sending the bid document, the bidder may amend or withdraw the bid document, but a written notice shall be delivered to the tenderee before the prescribed bid closing date. 1投标人在递交投标文件后,可以修改或撤回其投标文件,但招标人必须在规定的投标截止期之前,收到书面通知。
- Can I submit my results later than the closing date? 我可以在截至日期过后提交检测结果吗?
- 1 Fifteen days before the bidding closing date, for whatever reasons, the tenderee may alter the tender document actively or when answering bidders' questions for clarification. 1在投标截止期十五天前,无论出于何种原因,招标人可主动地或在解答投标人提出的澄清问题时对招标文件进行修改。
- Begin your preparations early,or you'll miss the closing date for application. 尽早开始准备,免得错过申请的截止日期。
- Advertising copy must be delivered on or before closing date as designated. 广告稿必须在指定截稿日期前送到本公司。
- You should use the yearly average rate as at the accounts closing date. 你应采用该年度截至帐目结算日的平均兑换率。
- PESC is responsible for the period from (and including) the Closing Date. PESC将负责成交日后(包括成交日)的奖?计算及发放。
- When will be the Opening date and Closing date for the 29th Olympic Games? 第29届奥运会什么时候开始到什么时候结束?
- B: But there are only two more days until the bidding closes! 但是再过两天多这项竞标就结束了!
- We are enclosing your tender form filled in,and trust that it will reach you before the closing date of the tender. 现将标单填就随函附寄,预计在招标限期截止前当能到达。
- Applicants must submit the following items to Shenzhen Economic Daily Training Center by the indicated closing date. 在报名截止日期前,申请人必须交下述资料到深圳商报社培训中心。
- The closing date for application is after the third week of Saturday of the STPM result release. 申请截止日期:马来西亚高级教育文凭考试放榜后第三个星期六。
- She made a bid of ten dollars on the table. 那张桌子她出价十美元。