- climatic impact index 气候影响程度指数
- Climatic Impact of a Greenland Deglaciation and Its Possible Irreversibility. 格陵兰冰川消退的气候作用及其可能的不可逆转性。
- Traffic noise in this housing estate was assessed using Noise Impact Index (NII). 应用噪声冲击指数法对小区交通噪声进行总体评价 .
- The report indicates remarkable differences among sectors in price impact index , liquidity index, bid-ask spreads and pricing efficiency index. 报告还指出了不同板块在价格影响指数,流动性指数,买卖差价和定价效率指数上的明显差异。
- As is well known, 5,6 is the traditional month of the harvest season of crops, the international maritime trade on the BDI crops have a great impact index. 众所周知,5、6月份是传统的农作物收获季节,国际农作物海运贸易对BDI指数具有很大的影响。
- Based on the mass data collected around GSL,this paper analysis and evaluates the real effect of noise level to resident under the technical method named as noise impact index(NII). 通过现场测试,采用铁路环境噪声冲击指数,分析评价准高速铁路对环境噪声的实际影响。
- Climatic Impact Assessment Program 气候影响判定程序
- Total Environmental Impact Index of Chemicals 化学物质对环境影响的综合因子
- Inter-disciplinary independent research institute based in Germany, focussing on climate change, climate impact and sustainable development. 德国的各学科间的独立研究机构,主要研究气候变化,气候影响以及可持续发展。
- The Carbon Trust reckons that about 1 per cent of the climate impact of a packet of crisps is from moving potatoes around. 但英国碳信托公司计算,一包薯片所产生的气候影响中,约1%25来自马铃薯的运输过程。
- This paper studied the impact of highway route selection on the ecological environment, using quantitative analysis method, to compare the impacts arising from the highway project under the two route schemes and starting with the impact index selection. 摘要针对高速公路建设项目的特点,从指标选取入手,采取定量分析的手段,对比研究了两条线路工程建设对生态环境的影响程度。
- But the participation of private businesses and regular citizens in the world's most populous nation will also be a major factor in China's climate impact. 不过,作为世界人口最多的国家,民营企业和普通公民的参与或许也会成为中国气候影响的一个重要因素。
- Difference Analysis of the Time Factor on Subject Impact Index 学科影响因子的时间因素差异分析
- Crops with less N demand, such as grasses and woody coppice species have more favourable climate impacts. 巴西是世界上最大的甘蔗生产国,它已经在乙醇制造和生物燃料使用上进行了大量投资。
- The index is at the back (of the book). 索引在(书的)末尾。
- The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) was founded in 1992 and carries out research on global change and its impacts on ecological, economic, and social systems. 德国波茨坦气候影响研究所(PIK)成立于1992年,主要针对全球变化及其对生态系统、经济系统和社会系统的影响开展科学研究。
- These bullets fragment on impact. 这些子弹射中物体时爆炸成碎片。
- Since climate impacts will disproportionately affect India's poor, they suggest that a pro-poor approach is also a pro-climate regime approach. 由于气候变化将对印度穷人产生雪上加霜的影响,他们提出,扶贫政策也可以是气候政策的一部分。
- Automatic modification of the index register. 自动修改变址寄存器内容。
- A person's face is often an index of his mood. 一个人的脸部表情常常反映这个人的情绪。