- The heterogeneous soil is composed of coarse and fine grained soils. 摘要混合土料是由粗细土颗粒组成的土。
- An elasto-plasticity damage constitutive model (EPDI model) was developed to unitedly characterize monotonic and cyclic behavior of interface between structure and coarse grained soil. 摘要在试验基础上建立了一个可统一描述粗粒土与结构接触面力学特性的本构模型。
- Rockfill, as a kind of coarse grained soil, is applied widely in high earth-rock dam, roadded of railway and highway, soft foundation of constructions and retaining wall of seaport and so on. 堆石料属于粗粒土的一种,广泛应用于高土石坝、铁路和公路路基、建筑物软弱地基和海港护岸等工程中。
- Study on behavior of coarse grained soil and its modeling 粗颗粒土的应力应变特性及其数学描述研究
- Frost Heaving Classifications of the Coarse Grained Soil 粗粒土冻胀性分类
- Control of the Basis Cement Dosage in Medium and Coarse grained Soil 水泥稳定中粒土和粗粒土中水泥剂量的控制方法
- Three-dimensional model of interface between structure and coarse grained soil 粗粒土与结构接触面三维本构关系及数值模型
- Monotonic and cyclic constitutive law of interface between structure and coarse grained soil 粗粒土与结构接触面的静动本构规律
- A Study of Post Construction Settlement for Filling Works of Coarse Grained Soil 巨粒土填筑体工后变形的研究
- His coarse and rude ways went against the grain with me. 他那粗鲁无礼的态度不合乎我的性情。
- Research on Affecting Factors of Rising Height of Capillary Water on Coarse Grained Soil 影响粗粒土毛细水上升高度的因素研究
- Research on Compactness Method of Coarse Grained Soil Roadbed Examined by Rayleigh Wave 用瑞利波波速检测粗粒土路基压实度方法的研究
- Practice and Inquire into Compacting Standard for Subgrade Construction Using Coarse Grained Soil 巨粒土填筑路基压实标准探讨与实践
- The method for determining the placement standards of oversized cohesionless coarse grained soil 超径无粘性粗粒土填筑标准的确定方法
- Research on frost heave susceptibility and classification of coarse grained soil of highway subgrade in seasonally frozen ground region 季冻区公路路基粗粒土的冻胀敏感性及分类研究
- His coarse manners shocked everyone. 他的粗鲁的举止使每个人震惊。
- The grain crop has gone down this year. 今年的粮食作物产量下降了。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- A coarse, shaggy woolen cloth with an uncut nap. 糙面厚呢一种粗糙不平的带有未修剪的绒毛的羊毛呢