- They were monitoring the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions. 他们正在检测高空空气以收集原子爆炸的证据。
- The police are setting up an incident room near the murder spot(= where they can collect evidence, etc.). 警方正在谋杀案现场附近设立事件调查室。
- It shall be strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture and to collect evidence by threat, enticement, deceit or other unlawful means. 严禁刑讯逼供和以威胁、引诱、欺骗以及其他非法的方法收集证据。
- The police went out to collect evidence, but they still failed to gain anything after investigation. 警方去取证了,经过多方了解还是一无所获。
- Making record of inquires according to law is of significance to strictly collect evidence and crack down criminals. 严格依法制作讯问笔录,对于收集证据线索、打击犯罪具有重要意义。
- He is collecting evidence to massacre his opponents. 他正在收集证据要彻底击败他的对手。
- We collect evidence or empirical knowledge, and then, employing logical principles, we make deductions and draw conclusions. 我们收集证据或经验知识,然后运用逻辑原理进行推断并得出结论。
- While it is the job of investigators to collect evidence, the authority of prosecution rests with the Department of Justice. 执行处调查员的职责是搜集证据,并无权作出检控。
- In the course of legal proceedings, the defendant shall not by himself collect evidence from the plaintiff and witnesses. 在诉讼过程中;被告不得自行向原告和证人收集证据.
- Delko collects evidence and gloves two glasses one with lipstick. 48小时的时间去证明他的推断。
- To track down these missing funds, the ICAC solicited assistance from the Swiss courts. Lo had to make a special trip to Switzerland to collect evidence. 廉署为此曾寻求瑞士法庭协助调查涉案户口,卢敬荣更专程前往瑞士搜集证据。
- He said it "is essentially a standardized search warrant making clear that Chinese law enforcement agencies have the legal authority to collect evidence in criminal cases. 他说:"基本上是一个标准化的搜查令明确表示,中国执法部门有法律依据为了搜集证据,在刑事案件。
- Liu said the U.S. lawyers would first need to collect evidence from the parents, either by visiting China in person, or by asking a Chinese law firm to deputize for them. 刘说,接受委托后,美国律师第一步是向各受害者父母收集证据,或者亲自到中国,或者请求中国律师事务所代表他们办理。
- For the past year Mr.Toyoda has been practicing genchi genbutsu to quietly collect evidence that the company had strayed according to people familiar with the situation. 据知情人士称,在这条座右铭的指引下,过去一年来,丰田章男一直在默默搜集显示公司已迷失方向的证据。
- It is the most important part to collect evidence, make use of evidence to recurrence the fact of accidence in the proceeding of maritime investigation. 在海事行政主管机关履行事故调查的工作中,如何收集、运用证据重现事故发生的事实并据以认定事故发生的原因是整个事故调查工作的基础与核心。
- After the incident, the days of mountain branch of Interpol brigade rushed to the scene immediately investigate and collect evidence, conduct an investigation. 案发后,天山区分局刑警大队立即赶赴现场调查取证,开展侦查工作。
- Australia sent the Oceanic Viking to the Antarctic last month to collect evidence that could be used in international court action against the Japanese whaling program. 澳大利亚上个月曾派遣‘大洋洲维京人号’前往南极收集证据,并可能在反对日本捕鲸计划的国际法庭行动中使用有关证据。
- The commission has been collecting evidence for the last four years. 过去四年间,委员会都在搜集证据。
- "But the change is a must,"he said, adding that the revision would also streamline the litigation process, as investigators would try harder to collect evidence instead of getting confessions. “但是这种改变是必须的。”他说道,特别强调这种修订会让诉讼变得更有成效。因为办案人员势必更加努力去搜集证据而不只是得到口供。
- According to Article 43 of the CPL, “It shall be strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture and to collect evidence by threat, enticement, deceit or other unlawful means. 刑事诉讼法第43条规定:“严禁刑讯逼供和以威胁、引诱、欺骗以及其他非法的方法收集证据。