- The newly confirmed case brings the total in Indonesia to 28. 新确认的病例使印度尼西亚的病例总数达到28例。
- The first newly confirmed case was a 16-year-old girl from Jakarta. 第一例新确认的病例为来自雅加达的一名16岁女孩。
- The case has been added to the WHO cumulative table of confirmed cases. 已将该病例增加到世卫组织累积确诊病例表。
- In all, there have been three confirmed cases of B.S.E. in the United States. 在美国到目前为止总共有三例、经过证实的疯牛病病例。
- In all, they have been three confirmed cases of BSE in the United States. 在美国总共有三例疯牛病被证实。
- This is the fifth confirmed case in Cambodia and the first in almost a year. 这是柬埔寨第5例确诊病例和差不多一年中的第1例病例。
- We report a surgically confirmed case of scrotal fibrous pseudotumors. 摘要本文描述一经手术证实之阴囊伪肿瘤病例。
- There have been no confirmed cases of SARS in Norway, Sweden, Denmark or Finland. "到目前为止在挪威、瑞典、丹麦和芬兰尚无SARS的确诊病例。
- The newly confirmed case brings the total, in Viet Nam, since mid-December 2004 to 60 cases, of which 18 were fatal. 新确认的病例使越南自2004年12月中以来的病例总数上升为60例,其中18例死亡。
- To date, there are a total of 215 confirmed cases, and 14 out of Somalia's 19 regions have been infected. 迄今为止,共有215例确诊病例,并且在索马里的19个州中有14个已受到感染。
- These newly confirmed cases bring the total in Turkey to 20, of which four were fatal. 这些新确诊病例使土耳其病例总数增至20例,其中4例死亡。
- For months January-December, the number of outbreaks of confirmed cases of food poisoning due to clenbuterol was 0. 一月至十二月份,证实由盐酸克仑特罗引致的食物中毒个案有0宗。
- In April, the number of persons affected of confirmed cases of food poisoning due to pesticides was 0. 四月份,证实由农药引致的食物中毒个案中受影响人数有0个。
- In August, the number of outbreaks of confirmed cases of food poisoning due to clenbuterol was 1. 八月份,证实由盐酸克仑特罗引致的食物中毒个案有1宗。
- In August, the number of persons affected of confirmed cases of food poisoning due to pesticides was 0. 八月份,证实由农药引致的食物中毒个案中受影响人数有0个。
- In December, the number of persons affected of confirmed cases of food poisoning due to clenbuterol was 4. 十二月份,证实由盐酸克仑特罗引致的食物中毒个案中受影响人数有4个。
- In December, the number of persons affected of confirmed cases of food poisoning due to pesticides was 0. 十二月份,证实由农药引致的食物中毒个案中受影响人数有0个。
- In February, the number of persons affected of confirmed cases of food poisoning due to clenbuterol was 0. 二月份,证实由盐酸克仑特罗引致的食物中毒个案中受影响人数有0个。
- In February, the number of persons affected of confirmed cases of food poisoning due to pesticides was 0. 二月份,证实由农药引致的食物中毒个案中受影响人数有0个。
- In July, the number of persons affected of confirmed cases of food poisoning due to clenbuterol was 8. 七月份,证实由盐酸克仑特罗引致的食物中毒个案中受影响人数有8个。