- International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. 国际跨文化管理杂志。
- I graduated from University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a degree in Cross Culture Communication. 后来我从纽卡斯尔大学毕业并且拿到了跨文化交流专业的学位。
- Cross cultural management in a technology-intensive global economy. 全球化和技术化经济下的跨文化管理。
- More than a football film, The Game of Their Lives underscores beauty of sport crossing cultural barriers and prejudices. 这不仅仅是一部足球电影,它的美丽超越了体育的界限,跨越了文化的障碍和偏见。
- There are a myriad of challenges and misunderstandings that may occur because of cross cultural differences. 由于文化的差异和交流的障碍,管理中常常会产生很多的误解和误区。
- Look again from archaeology, zhejiang river Mu crosses culture relics in disentombing, also have what use chrysalis silk secondhand is paradigmatic. 再从考古来看,浙江河姆渡文化遗址的发掘中也有间接使用茧丝纤维的例证。丝绸也是中国古老文化的一种表征。
- CCIP - also known as Cross Cultural Integration Programme, is one of the biggest events held in MMU every year. CCIP是跨文化交际的简称,是MMU每年都会举办也是最大型的活动。
- Cross Culture Research on Address Forms 称呼语的跨文化研究
- When we cross cultural barriers in dining,we may miss our accustomed stop signals and end up feeling either hungry or overstuffed. 当我们跨文化就餐时,也许未察觉自己习惯的结束暗示,结果或是没吃饱或是吃得过饱。
- When we cross cultural barriers in dining, we may miss our accustomed stop signals and end up feeling either hungry or overstuffed. 当我们跨文化就餐时,也许未察觉自己习惯的结束暗示,结果或是没吃饱或是吃得过饱。
- cross culture marketing channels 跨文化营销渠道行为
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- Cross cultural studies show that meals are designed to follow strict progression of cues based on shape, colour, temperature, odour, or specific taste sensation. 跨文化研究表明,每顿饭的上菜顺序都是严格按照某些指示性信息设计的,这些信息由菜肴的形状、颜色、温度、给人的嗅觉以及独特的味觉构成。
- Objective To facilitate the cross cultural comp arison, we employed the principles of fuzzy mathematics in scaling the SF 36 in a Chinese populati on. 目的为便于跨文化研究,采用模糊数学的原理对SF-36进行中国量化标准研究。
- The author makes a tentative study of its positive effects from the aspects of FLT, cross cultural communication and literature-art creation. 本文从教学,跨文化交际以及文艺创作的新角度对负迁移的积极作用做了初步探讨。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- Cross cultural studies show that meals are designed to follow strict progression of cues based on shape,colour,temperature,odour,or specific taste sensation. 跨文化研究表明,每顿饭的上菜顺序都是严格按照某些指示性信息设计的,这些信息由菜肴的形状、颜色、温度、给人的嗅觉以及独特的味觉构成。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。
- He was arrested by guards at the border crossing. 他在越境地点被卫兵逮捕。
- By so doing, the paper comes to the question of translatability and transplantation of a certain ethnological culture, and finally a means of cross cultural translation and communication. 本文据此试探讨隐喻思维影响下的汉英文化蕴涵在两种语言之间的平行移植及译文与源文在此基础上的对等翻译。