- The attitude or conduct typical of a social or cultural elite. 儒雅之风典型的社会或文化名流的态度或行为
- Nantah graduates form a large part of the Chinese cultural elite today. 今天,南洋大学毕业生是组成华文精英的中坚分子。
- We can use foreigners to supplement but not to replace the indigenous Chinese intellectual and cultural elite. 外来的人才能辅助但不能代替本土的人才。
- The Speak Mandarin Campaign has evolved to become a part of the larger policy "scheme" to cultivate a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite. 讲华语运动已成为一个更大政策中的一部分,目的是要培养出一群华文文化精英。
- Measures and conditions need to be set to ensure that the promotion of an ethnic language and cultivation of a cultural elite do not lead to ethnic chauvinism. 我们应该制定一些步骤与条件,确保提倡族群语言及培养文化精英不会导致种族沙文主义的出现。
- Since about 1840 the cultural elite in America had pretty generally rejected the values and activities of the larger society. 大概从1840年以来,美国有文化的上层分子就已经相当普遍地把广大社会的价值准则和活动给否定掉了。
- Mr Zubok poignantly details the lengthy and bitter decline that followed.The earthy Khrushchev resented the cultural elite's pretensions. 随后,祖博克痛心疾首地、细致地描述了这代俄国知识分子漫长而痛苦的衰落:粗俗的赫鲁晓夫厌恶文化精英的自命不凡;
- Cultivation of an ethnicity-based cultural elite must be achieved as a part of the development of a Singapore cultural elite,and add to the overall cultural resource of Singapore. 培养族群的文化精英,必须是发展新加坡文化精英总蓝图中的一部分,为新加坡增加文化资源。
- There have been two commonly expressed concerns that question the merits or even the legitimacy of the campaign and especially the latest move to cultivate a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite. 常听到两种说法,它们针对讲华语运动的好处,以及最近有关必须培养华文知识分子与文化精英的论点提出疑问。
- Cultivation of an ethnicity-based cultural elite must be achieved as a part of the development of a Singapore cultural elite, and add to the overall cultural resource of Singapore. 培养族群的文化精英,必须是发展新加坡文化精英总蓝图中的一部分,为新加坡增加文化资源。
- The leading Chinese intellectual and cultural elite is necessarily cosmopolitan,pluralistic,and open-minded. Convincing role models are scholars such as Du Weiming and Yu Qiuyu and artists such as Pan Shou and Chen ruixian. 华文知识分子与文化精英的代表人物,必须是世界性的、多元文化的、思想开放的,学者如杜维明与余秋雨、艺术家如潘受与陈瑞献都是典型例子。
- The leading Chinese intellectual and cultural elite is necessarily cosmopolitan, pluralistic, and open-minded. Convincing role models are scholars such as Tu Weimin and YuQiuyu and artists such as Pan Shou and Tan Swee Hian. 华文知识分子与文化精英的代表人物,必须是世界性的、多元文化的、思想开放的,学者如杜维明与余秋雨、艺术家如潘受与陈瑞献都是典型例子。
- The leading Chinese intellectual and cultural elite is necessarily cosmopolitan, pluralistic, and open-minded. Convincing role models are scholars such as Du Weiming and Yu Qiuyu and artists such as Pan Shou and Chen ruixian. 华文知识分子与文化精英的代表人物,必须是世界性的、多元文化的、思想开放的,学者如杜维明与余秋雨、艺术家如潘受与陈瑞献都是典型例子。
- BG Yeo: Regenerate Chinese cultural elite 杨荣文:栽培华文精英是新时代需求
- Chinese cultural elite is someone who can appreciate and articulate the essences of Chinese culture with confidence and passion without putting down the values of other cultures. 华文知识分子与文化精英,必须能了解与欣赏中华文化精华,对它充满热爱与自豪,可是他绝不贬低或瞧不起其他文化。
- The declining standard of language is a common phenomenon bemoaned by cultural elites in many countries. 在许多国家,文化精英都在感叹语文水准低落的现象。
- A Chinese cultural elite is someone who can appreciate and articulate the essences of Chinese culture with confidence and passion without putting down the values of other cultures. 华文知识分子与文化精英,必须能了解与欣赏中华文化精华,对它充满热爱与自豪,可是他绝不贬低或瞧不起其他文化。
- DPM Lee Hsien Loong delivered an off-the-cuff speech in Parliament on March 10 in response to views expressed earlier by MP for Sembawang GRC, Mr K Shanmugam, on racial harmony and cultural elites. 副总理李显龙准将本月10日在国会针对三巴旺集选区议员尚穆根较早时提到我国种族和谐以及文化精英的问题,即席作出答复。
- The museum has many immemorial cultural relics. 该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。
- Our cultural delegation met with a hearty welcome. 我们的文化代表团受到热烈欢迎。