- customs imported from the West 从西方传入的风俗习惯
- Around 90% of the alcohol consumed by the American colonies was British rum, imported from the West Indies. 在美国殖民地,人们喝的大约90%25的酒都是从西印度群岛进口的英国朗姆酒。
- Technology imported from the West is helping Russia's oil industry modernize, but Soviet-era spills and pipeline breaks have contaminated much of the region. 从西方输入的技术促进了俄罗斯石油工业的现代化,不过苏联时期的石油泄露及管道破裂已经污染了这里的大部分区域。
- He's from the west coast, near bordeaux. 他是从西海岸波尔多港附近来的。
- Chinese attitudes towards sex have relaxed in recent decades, triggering a boom in extramarital relationships which the ruling Communist Party blames on bourgeois mores imported from the West. 在近一二十年来,中国人对于性的态度已经是大大开放了。对于所引起的婚外恋的问题,中国的执政党是认为责任在于来自西方的资产阶级的堕落生活习惯。
- It breezed from the west all day. 整天刮着微微的西风。
- He 's from the west coast, near Bordeaux . 他是从西海岸波尔多港附近来的。
- Red flags wave in wanton winds from the west. 红旗漫卷西风。
- You're just our second cousin from the west. 你是转了个弯的表亲,又是家在西部的。
- That the sun rises from the west is wrong. 太阳从西方升起是错的。
- A storm or wind coming from the west. 西来的风暴,西风
- Was imported from the USA for making club shafts. 年代,胡桃木开始由美国进口,用于制作球杆杆身。
- A strong wind coming from the west. 大西风
- From the west...It's a little town in Galway. 来自西部... 是盖威的一个小镇。
- The importation from the file failed. 文件导入操作失败。
- The our country on the history is imported from western country all the time, cry so on the west safflower. 历史上我国一直从西方国家进口,所以叫西红花。
- To import from the file system, select the File system option. 若要从文件系统导入,请选择“文件系统”选项。
- The Sun moves steadily from the east to the west. 太阳稳定地从东向西移动。
- A silver gull slips down from the west. 一只银色的海鸥从西边滑落。
- Shoddy goods imported from the Far East are held cheap by British importers. 从远东进口的劣质商品受到英国进口商的鄙视。