- Let's fix a definite date for the next meeting. 我们定一下下次开会的确切日期吧。
- Tell us a definite date of shipment. 告诉我们确切的装船日期。
- We didn't fix a definite date for our next meeting. 我们没有为下次见面定下明确的日期。
- He do not announce the definite date of the royal wedding. 他没有宣布王室婚礼的确切日期。
- We must peg him down to a definite date for completion. 我们一定要叫他把完成的日期确定下来。
- We must peg him dram to a definite date for completion. 我们一定要让他将完成的日子定下来。
- He did not announce the definite date of the royal wedding. 他没有宣布王室婚礼的确切日期。
- It's proving very difficult to peg him down to a definite date for completion. 要规定他限期完成确是十分困难的。
- Upon receipt of the letter pls let us know the definite date of shipment. 见信后请告确切装运日期为荷。
- Third. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire. 第三: 设定你想“拥有”所渴望金钱的确切日期。
- We found it very difficult to peg her down to a definite date for the completion of the task. 我们觉得很难限定她哪一天完成任务。
- It is proving very difficult to peg him down to a definite date for completion . 要规定他限期完成确是十分困难的。
- I'm sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a definite date of shipment for the time being. 很抱歉,现在我们还无法告诉您确切的装船日期。
- The country that the 18th congress will begin to start by a definite date 20 days from October 6 politics censorial. 第18届国会将从10月6日开始启动为期20天的国政监察。
- Of Yahoo and cereal song this one " affiance " by a definite date 4 years, can renew the contract twice, every time 3 years. 雅虎与谷歌的这一“婚约”为期4年,可以续约两次,每次3年。
- Concern with this, the 3158 exclusiveness advertisement contracts that signed a by a definite date one year with this portal website. 凭着这层关系,3158和该门户网站签订了一个为期一年的排他性广告合同。
- In by a definite date in conference of 3 days, attend the meeting to make suggestions on behalf of active expostulation, .. 在为期三天的会议中,与会代表积极谏言献策,...
- In spite of our notifying that prompt delivery was essential, the goods have not yet arrived, and we must accordingly insist on your fixing a definite date for delivery. 我方虽明告迅速交货之必要,但迄今仍未收到,故特务请明确指定交货日期。
- The time Deposit is a method of bank deposit with a definite date of maturity, made for one time or by many times on schedule (during the appointed deposit term) , or withdrawn together with the interest in a lump sum or by installment. 定期储蓄是在存款时约定存期,一次或按期分次(在约定存期)存入本金,整笔或分期支取本金利息的一种储蓄形式。
- Gu Ge states this is enlighten what the programmer of a teenager that do obeisance to causes, this company invites this programmer to play a by a definite date 4 weeks exercitation plan. 谷歌则表示这是迪拜的一名少年程序员所造成的,该公司聘请这名程序员参加一个为期4周的实习计划。