- The outcome of any design effort must ultimately be judged by how successfully it meets the needs of both the product user and the organization that commissioned it. 任何设计努力的结果都必须由其最终在多大程度上满足了用户,或委托开发组织的需求来判断。
- Process Implementation requires a strong sales CAMpaign: Approach the deployment of process implementation and improvement with 1/3 design effort and 2/3 salesmanship. 实施过程中,需要一个强大的销售活动:做法部署过程中的实施和完善与1 / 3设计的努力和2 / 3推销术。
- Complex or confusing interactions that require too much attention to accomplish can put all on the road at risk, and such systems require significant design effort and usability validation to avoid such issues. 复杂或者是令人费解的交互需要过多的注意力,因此可能会让路上行驶中驾驶员处于危险的境地。 因此这些系统的成功开发需要大量的设计工作以及可用性验证,才能避免这些问题。
- First, there are the business decision makers, who, as we discussed in the Introduction, are ultimately responsible for the profitability and success of the product and commonly fund the interaction design effort. 第1类是商业决策人,正如我们在本书介绍中描述的那样,他们要对产品最终是否成功及是否赢利负责,通常也是他们来决定是否为这项设计工作投资。
- Barry Barish is director of the global design effort for the International Linear Collider (ILC), as well as Linde Professor of Physics Emeritus at the California Institute of Technology. 巴瑞许是ILC全球协力设计的领导人,也是美国加州理工学院的林德荣誉退休物理教授。
- After several generations of designers' effort, Camel Cavalier has created a completely new design style: simple, delicacy and fashion. 经过圣骑家族几代设计师的共同努力和演绎,“骆驼骑士“创造了全新的设计风格:简洁、精致、时尚。
- In addition to the specific focus that personas can give a design effort, there are some consistent and generalizable patterns of user needs that should inform the way our products are designed. 人物角色除了可以带给我们这些具体的关注之外,还有一些用户需求可以统一概括成为其他需求模式,设计产品时也应该考虑到这些情况。
- Decisions about technical platform are best made in concert with interaction design efforts. 选择技术平台时,一定要与交互设计工作和谐一致。
- It also features internal compensation, allowing users to design stable regulators with minimal design efforts. 该产品还具有内部补偿功能,让用户可轻松设计出稳定的稳压器。
- Risk analysis, and patterns to your design effort 使用面向对象编程,重构,风险分析,和设计模式中的原理进行设计
- As we discussed in Part I, personas and scenarios help us focus our design efforts on the goals, behaviors, needs, and mental models of real users. 我们在第1篇中讨论过,人物角色和场景剧本可以让我们在设计时关注真实使用者的目标、行为、需求和心理模型。
- Even if you are not experienced in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), you can find helpful programs which will assist you in your design efforts. 即使,你不了解HTML(超文本链接标示语言)的使用方法,你可以借助于某些程序。
- By utilizing the inherent exponential curves, high-linearity components are not necessarily required and the design efforts are relaxed. 由于采用的是最自然的指数曲线,所以我们的线路可以不需要高线性度的元件,因而降低了设计上的难度。
- This paper describes the Peacekeeper missile's inertia! guidancee system design, missile accuracy and provides just a taste of the design efforts. 本文综述了“和平保卫者”导弹惯性制导系统的设计、导弹精度和一些设计成果的经验。
- The connection of business issues to usability issues is critical to drive stakeholders’ buy-in to design efforts and to frame the design effort in terms of both user and business goals. 商业问题和可用性问题之间的关系对于驱动利溢相关人加入设计,以及形成根据用户和商业目标的设计努力方面非常关键。
- Each of these form factors has clear implications for the design of the product, and answering this question sets the stage for all subsequent design efforts. 每种产品的外形因素对于产品的设计都有明显的影响,对这个问题的回答才能使接下来的所有设计工作成为可能。
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。
- From the Japanese style architecture, we can also see the designers' efforts in promoting Japanization. 东洋风情建筑呈现的是设计者想以建筑东洋化台湾的企图。
- There is an inherent weakness in the design. 这设计本身存在弱点。
- This dress is of the latest design. 这件衣服是最新设计。