- Z.FENG等.DYNAMIC STRENGTHS OF DIAMOND GRITS[J].IDR,3/89:105-107. 董海等.;切削速度对岩石切削力的影响[J]
- A new special diamond drill which combines ultrasonic vibrating with grinding of diamond grits is introduced. 介绍一种新研制的能把超声振动和金刚石磨粒磨削结合在一起的特种金刚石钻头。
- The dental diamond burs are fabricated by depositing the cutting film bonding with diamond grits on metal substrates. 牙科车针多为在金属车针基体上结合嵌有金刚石颗粒的磨削层后制得。
- The average grinding thickness of each diamond grits has may different size for it is affected by a lot of factors. 每个金刚石磨粒的平均磨削厚度受诸多因素影响,有很多变量。
- It indicates the strong retention of brazing alloy to diamond grits and the longer service life of the wheel. 这表明钎料合金对磨粒的高强度把持和砂轮的高耐用度。
- Experimental results show that this algorithm can partition the image of attached diamond grits effectively. 分割实例表明,算法能有效分割相连的金刚石颗粒图像,准确性较高。
- The mean protrusion height of diamond grits and grit wear were studied in grinding granite with a brazed diamond wheel. 研究了钎焊金刚石砂轮在磨削花岗石材料过程中,金刚石磨粒的出刃高度和磨损状态的变化规律。
- A fundamental principle rule in design is deduced that distance between adjacent diamond grits must be less than the maximal space length. 同时,推导出了锯片金刚石参数设计中必须遵循的相邻两颗金刚石之间的最大间距原则。
- Considering the convex of diamond grit's projection, partition points (concave points) were detected along the contour. 基于金刚石投影的凸性,沿轮廓逐点搜索出分割点(凹点)。
- Evaluating and measuring the interfacial bonding strength between filling alloy and diamond grits is a key issue in the study and application of brazed diamond tools. 钎料与金刚石磨粒结合强度的测定与评价是钎焊金刚石工具研究与应用中的关键性问题。
- Improvement of the bonding condition between the metal matrixes and diamond grits in order to enhance the holding to the diamond is the key problems for the diamond composite. 改善结合剂与金刚石间的界面结合状态、提高结合剂对金刚石的把持力是提高金刚石复合材料力学性能的核心问题。
- As to electroplated bond, craters formed in front of diamond grits, shallow groove occurred beside diamond grits, and slope bond followed diamond grits. 结合剂的磨损为:在金刚石颗粒的前方形成较深的凹坑,两侧形成较浅的凹坑,金刚石磨粒的后面则形成结合剂的隆起。
- A new researched drill of machining super hard and brittle materials, which can combines ultrasonic vibrating with grinding of diamond grits, is introduced. 介绍了新研制的一种钻削超硬脆材料的钻头,阐明了该钻头的钻削机理,给出了该钻头的设计及制作过程。
- The changes of morphologies of brazed diamond grit in grinding were observed by using a digital video microscope system. 通过数字视频采集系统跟踪观察钎焊金刚石砂轮磨削过程中磨粒表面形貌变化。
- The multi-formation of chips often collects into groups and felts on the surface of concrete sawing area or segment, which will make the sawblade easy to be loaded under the extrusion of cement chips and diamond grits. 在粘性水泥粉屑以及金刚石磨粒的挤压作用下,多种形态的切屑易粘结成团,并粘附到混凝土锯切表面和锯片节块上而导致锯片堵塞。
- Based on the binarization of acquired image of diamond grits, the contour of projective region was extracted and afterwards smoothed by averaging the coordinate values of 5 neighboring points. 在对采集到的金刚石颗粒图像二值化的基础上,首先提取金刚石颗粒图像的轮廓,获取轮廓坐标序列并采用五点平均法对轮廓坐标序列进行了平滑;
- On the expression for diamond grit size it was indicated that limitations in defining diamond grit size by mesh alone and importance of defining diamond grit size by particles per carat( PPC). 在关于金刚石粒度的表示方式中,指出单纯以目数表示金刚石粒度的局限性和以每克拉颗粒数(PC)示金刚石粒度的重要性。
- On the expression for diamond grit size it was indicated that limitations in defining diamond grit size by mesh alone and importance of defining diamond grit size by particles per carat(PPC). 在关于金刚石粒度的表示方式中,指出单纯以目数表示金刚石粒度的局限性和以每克拉颗粒数(PPC)表示金刚石粒度的重要性。
- The diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy. 这只钻石戒指闪耀夺目。
- Study on the wear of brazed diamond grits 钎焊金刚石磨粒磨损性能研究