- They did their damnedest to finish on time. 他们尽了最大努力使(工作)如期完成。
- But the generals will surely do their damnedest to thwart a Thaksinite restoration. 但将军们一定会尽他们最大的努力来阻止他信的复辟。
- Since then, the guiding principle for managers everywhere has been to gather up whatever cash they can find, and then do their damnedest to keep as much of it as possible for as long as possible. 从那刻起,各地经理人的主要任务便是不遗余力的聚拢现金,然后使出浑身解数将现金保有量尽量多尽量久。
- They did their damnedest to finish on time 他们尽了最大努力使(工作)如期完成。
- My parents do their best to keep up the family tradition. 我的父母为了保持家庭的传统竭尽全力。
- do their damnedestconj. 拼死命干(尽全力)
- We'll carry on as arranged and they can do their worst. 我们还按我们的计划办事,他们想怎么使坏就随他们便吧。
- They have done their work very ably. 他们胜任出色地做完了工作。
- Our comrades must do their utmost to learn the techniques of production. 我们的同志们必须用极大的努力去学习生产技术。
- The teacher had to keep after her pupils to do their homework neatly. 教师一再嘱咐她的学生要把作业写整齐。
- They tried their damnedest to stop the pop festival in the village,but failed. 他们竭力阻止村里流行音乐节的举行,但没有成功。
- Some people are not doing their whack. 有的人没有尽力。
- They tried their damnedest to stop the pop festival in the village, but failed. 他们竭力阻止村里流行音乐节的举行,但没有成功。
- They will do their best to help on this project. 他们将尽力推动这项研究工作。
- Those two girls do their hair in the same way. 那两个女孩把头发梳成相同的式样。
- Everyone should be free to do their own thing. 任何人都应该有按自己的方式行事的自由。
- Must I keep servants and myself do their work? 难道我有佣人还得自己操劳吗?
- Doctors do their best to treat the sick, but they can't perform miracles. 医生尽力治疗病人,但他们无法创造奇迹。
- The officer expected his men to do their duty. 军官期望他的部下尽职。
- Software hoarders try their damnedest to stop you from running a proprietary program without paying the standard price. 在你没有支付标准价格之前,软件囤积者尽他们的最大努力阻止你使用专有软件。