- Dynamic Change of Groundwater Level in Waterlogged Gleyed Paddy Soils in Hilly Red Soil Region and Its Effects on Availability of Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus 丘岗稻田地下水位动态及对土壤氮磷有效性的影响
- dynamic change of groundwater 地下水动态
- dynamic changes of groundwater 地下水动态变化
- So the algorithm can primely adapt to the dynamic change of network topology. 因此该算法能很好的适应网络拓扑结构的动态变化。
- The difference existed in the dynamic change of nitrogen among different positions of soybean plant. 大豆植株不同部位氮素动态变化存在差异。
- This dynamic change of succeeding each other between yin and yang is known as the waxing and waning of yin and yang. 阴阳之间的这种彼此消长的动态变化被称为阴阳消长。
- The dynamic change of [Ca2+]i in single pancreatic acinar cell was determined by laser scanning confocal microscopy. 在无钙且含EGTA的培养液中LPS引起胰腺腺泡细胞[Ca~(2+)]_i缓慢、微弱的升高,而再次恢复培养液中Ca~(2+)至生理浓度,LPS可以引发一个快速、幅度更高而持久的[Ca~(2+)]_i变化;
- The dynamic change of intracellular Ca2+ concentration was measured exactly by ACAS. ACAS能准确测量胞内Ca2+浓度的动态变化。
- The dynamic changes of S-100, CK-BB, NSE and MBP were detected. 结果在造模后血液中NSE、S-100、MBP、CK-BB水平都有升高,但各项指标升高的时间和幅度并不一致。
- Take a change of clothes with you. 把你替换的衣服带去吧。
- Text font remapping (dynamic changing of font sizes). 浏览程序支持同时安装多个字典。
- The mathematic model can reflect the actual hydrogeology of the local area, it can be used to simulate and predict the change of groundwater quality of Daba area in a certain extent. 所建数学模型能较好地反映当地的实际水文地质条件,运用水质模拟,可在一定程度上预测大坝地区地下水水质的变化。
- The dynamic change of plasma fibrinogen(Fg)level in 40 patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI) was observed. 观察40例急性心肌梗塞(AMI)血浆纤维蛋白原(Fg)水平的动态变化。
- CTD Divers were installed for observation of groundwater dynamic. 在典型区域的钻孔中安装CTD Diver进行地下水的动态观测。
- Although precipitation in this region is small, supply area is large, evaporation and excretory is concentrate; so change of water level trends of groundwater is not obvious in short term. 天然地下水的补给来源有降水入渗补给、凝结水补给和侧向径流补给等,虽湖区内降水量小,但补给区面积大,蒸发排泄集中,从而造成地下水水位动态短期内变化不明显。
- A change of diet may do you good. 改变一下饮食对你可能有好处。
- The dynamic change of serous creatine kinase BB(CK-BB) in acute viral encephalitis(AVE). 急性病毒性脑炎血清肌酸酶脑型同工酶(CK-BB)的动态变化
- The results not only proved that TEM approach is less sensitive to resistive anomaly than the conductive one, but also illustrate that TEM method is good enough in water exploration as well as dynamic monitoring to the changing of groundwater level. 结果一方面证明瞬变电磁法对高阻体的分辨能力不及低阻体,另一方面说明瞬变电磁法对地下水的探测能力比较灵敏,可以胜任找水的工作。 也说明TEM方法不但可以用于找水,还以用于地下水水位的动态监测。
- A good pitcher has a change of pace. 一个好投手能投出速度捉摸不定的球。
- First, contaminants volatilize out of groundwater. 首先,污染物从地下水中挥发出来,变成蒸气。