- equivalent effective stress 等效应力
- People have different views towards Equivalent Effect Principle since Nida put it forwarded. 摘要自奈达的等效翻译理论提出以来,国内外翻译界对其的评价各异。
- This paper provides several ways of translating those English idioms guided with the theory of equivalent effect by Nida. 以奈达的等效翻译理论为依据,提出了几种对原语形象的处理方法和技巧。
- Effective stress management involves identifying and managing both acute and chronic stress. 有效的压力管理包括识别、管理急性和慢性压力。
- This paper says about the functions of the translation of tourism literature, such as informative function, vocative function, pragmatic equivalent effect function. 摘要本文主要对旅游资料翻译的功能:信息功能、呼唤功能、语用等功能作一些探讨。
- It can he used to compute many appropriate scalar quantities such as temperature, displacement, effective stress and effective plastic strain. 重点研究此法在焊接的热分析中的应用,得到了有益的结论。
- Researches were carried out on internal blast loading and effective stress history at typical positions in the flat end plat and cylindrical shell. 研究容器壳体和平板封头典型位置的内部爆炸载荷和等效应力的历史;分别给出壳体和平板封头的应力云图;
- A liquefaction model for saturated sand soil is establishedaccording to the principle of effective stress under explosive loading. 运用有效应力原理,建立了用于描述三相饱和砂土爆炸动力分析的实用模型。
- Seismic responses of unconsolidated sands indicate that Poisson's ratio is related to the parameters of sand with low effective stress. 非固结砂岩的地震响应研究表明泊松比参数与低有效应力的砂岩模型参数有关。
- The study shows that the shape of effective stress field of deep hole bench blasting is quasi ellipsoid and the tip effect appears at both ends. 采用三维有限元数值分析法,通过建立三维有限元计算模型,分析堵塞长度对堵塞区有效应力场的影响。
- Then, based on the linear elastic theory and effective stress concept, the governing equation on stress-strain of the rock containing gas is derived. 然后基于线弹性理论和有效应力概念,建立了孔隙含有气体的岩石的应力-应变控制方程。
- In view of that,a kind of effective stress and soil-water characteristic curve have been used to develop a new shear strength. 针对于此,作者提出了一种有效应力与土水特征曲线发展成的一种新的非饱和土强度公式。
- Non-linear coupled response model of permeability coefficient and effective stress was introduced according to water pump test results. 根据抽水试验观测资料,提出了土体渗透系数与有效应力的非线性耦合响应模型。
- The pullout capacity of the suction caisson is analyzed by using the finite element software ADINA. The study involves total stress analysis and effective stress analysis. 通过大型有限元软件ADINA的模拟计算,应用总应力分析和有效应力分析两种方法研究承载力、吸力以及超静孔隙水压力。
- Equivalent effective radius of a control rod 控制棒当量有效半径
- In the calculation of consolidation degree, the onsolidation coefficient Cv ,which varies with the effective stress during consolidation, is usually regarded as constant. 在固结度计算中通常将固结系数视为常数,实际上并非如此。
- equivalent effective temperature 等价有效温度
- An effective stress calculation formula for coal containing gas is proposed coupling with the swelling stress of gas adsorption in the effective stress principle for porous media. 摘要首先在多孔介质的有效应力原理中引入瓦斯吸附的膨胀应力,推导出了适用于含瓦斯煤岩的有效应力计算公式。
- Secondly Nida's Functional Equivalence theory argues for a complete equivalent effect of the original receptor of the source text and the receptor of the translated version. 奈达的功能对等理论要求原作与译文对读者感受的等效.;反对风格可译性的论点证明是站不住脚的。
- Two dimensional dynamical finite element and effective stress method were used to analyze dynamical response of Qifenghu Lake earth-rock dam during earthquake. 采用二维动力有限元方法并结合有效应力法对栖凤湖土石坝受地震作用的动力响应进行了分析。