- fell like a fighting cock 觉得精力充沛
- He strutted about the street like a gaudy fighting cock. 他在街上大摇大摆地走,像一只绚丽好斗的公鸡。
- She looked, like a fighting cock, defeated no different, indeed this has been passing away of love, she is no longer a prominent Queen. 她看起来,就如一个斗败的公鸡没有什么两样,确实在这段已经逝去的爱情中,她不再是个显赫的女王。
- Live like a fighting cock. 过阔气的日子。
- Someone hit me from behind and I fell like a ton of bricks. 有人从背后向我猛然一击,我重重地倒了下去。
- to live like a fighting cock (lord; prince); to live in clover (or to live like pigs in clover) 养尊处优
- feel like a fighting cock 感觉斗志昂扬; 觉得能胜任工作
- The stock price is falling like a free fall. 股价像自由落体一般坠下。
- live like a fighting cock 吃最好东西
- Far beyond the battle blood shall fall like a hard rain. 远处的战场中鲜血将如暴雨而至。
- "The Soviet Union had 84 years of revolution and it fell like a sandcastle. “苏联有84年的革命历史但最后还是像堆沙城堡般瞬间崩塌。”
- He is like a cock who though the sun has risen to hear him crow. 他像一只以为太阳出来是为了听他啼声的雄鸡。
- Suddenly Marsha heard what sounded like a fight between a man and a woman . 后照应特指是一种确定特指,即用定冠词表示上文已经提到的人或物。
- Live like a fighting cocks 过奢华的生活;享受最好的食物
- An army, like a snake, fight on its belly. 军队好比一条蛇,要靠肚子来打仗。
- A man doing a fall from a building and who is supposed to be unconscious or dead has to fall like a sack of potatoes. 一个人从大楼上跌下来,失去知觉或已死去,他一定摔得不成样子了。
- I fell like taking a walk in the woods. 我想到树林中去散步。
- The balloon is falling like a rock. We are so scared. 气球就象一块石头一样往下落。我们很害怕。
- All of a sudden the front of the building parted from the rest and fell like a breaking wave into the street. 大楼的前部顷刻之间就从其余部分裂开来,排浪式地坍倒在街上。
- Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night,and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. 难知如阴,动如雷震。