- That's so- call flavor enhancer. 那是一种所谓的加味剂。
- Summarized the characteristic of food flavor enhancer,their cooperative synergism and application in the food industry. 综述了鲜味剂的性状、鲜味剂之间的协同增效效应及其在食品工业中的应用。
- MSG is a flavor enhancer that excites the fifth taste sense umami (the others being salt, sweet, sour, bitter). 味精作为一种佐料可以增加第五种味觉-鲜味(其它是咸,甜,酸,苦)。
- Flavor enhancer acidity agent and sweetening agent which are in need of fermented chilli were determined through a serial experiments. 通过一系列对比实验分别确定调配发酵辣椒风味所需要的鲜味剂、酸味剂和甜味剂的种类及其比例。
- The article dwells on the composition,method of extraction,peculiarities and application of yeast flavor enhancer to food industry;and foresees its prospect. 综述了酵母风味增加剂的营养成分组成、提取方法、特点及其在食品工业中的应用;展望了其应用前景。
- The methods of spectrophotometry,HPLC and voltammetry for the determination of food flavor enhancer,maltol and ethyl maltol were compared in this paper. 比较了三种测定食品增味剂麦芽酚和乙基麦芽酚的方法,即分光光度法、高效液相色谱法和溶胶-凝胶化学修饰电极伏安法。
- Lactates, inclusive of sodium lactate and potassium lactate, arewidely used in processed meat and poultry products as humectant and flavor enhancer in recent years. 乳酸盐(乳酸钠和乳酸钾)作为保湿剂和风味增强剂己被广泛应用于肉制品中。
- Voltammetric method is simple,rapid,sensitive and cheap for directly determining flavor enhancer in beverages without any complicated and time-consuming separation process. 伏安法具有简便、快速、灵敏的优点,可用于饮料样品的直接测定。
- For them, nicotine remains what they call a harmless flavor enhancement. 对他们来说,尼古丁仍然是他们所称的无害的提味剂。
- In a study of 130 people claiming MSG sensitivity, many complained of symptoms when the flavor enhancer was not present, while others reported no symptoms even though they unknowingly consumed large quantities of MSG. 在研究了130个声称msg敏感的人中,许多人在味精并不存在时仍抱怨有症状; 而另外一些报道说,有些人不知情地吃了大量msg,却并未出现任何症状。
- For them,nicotine remains what they call a harmless flavor enhancement. 对他们来说,尼古丁仍然是他们所称的无害的提味剂。
- In addition to flavor enhancement, acid acts as a preservative in non-heat-treated beverages. 除了增强风味外,酸还在未经加热灭菌的饮料中起着防腐作用。
- Other tobacco companies are clearly none too keen on the Liggett deal. For them, nicotine remains what they call a harmless flavor enhancement. 很显然,其他烟草公司中没有一家对利格特集团的处理感兴趣。对他们来说,尼古丁仍然是他们所称的无害的提味剂。
- The paper introduced the definition,chassification,characteristics of meaty flavor enhancers,and a variety of meaty flavor enhancers. 介绍了肉类香精增香剂的定义、分类、特点及各种肉类增香剂。
- Moreover,NTM has flavor enhancing properties.The relative cost of NTM is much lower than sucrose or APM at sweetness equivalence. 纽甜还具有风味增强特性,在相同甜度下的使用成本比蔗糖或阿斯巴甜低。
- Food flavor enhancer and its application in food industry 食品鲜味剂及其在食品工业中的应用
- Manufacture of the Reaction Flavor in Rice Flavor Enhancer 大米增香的反应型香料的制备
- Keywords yeast extract;RNase;properties;flavor enhancer; 酵母提取物;核酸酶;性质;呈味核苷酸;
- I don't like the flavor of onion. 我不喜欢洋葱的味道。
- It gives our little meals an eastern flavor. 它给我们的便餐增添了一种东方风味。