- A flourish of trumpets marked the Queen's arrival. 小号奏出嘹亮的乐曲欢迎女王驾到。
- She rode by with a flourish of her whip. 她骑马挥鞭而过。
- flourishing of Majiang 麻将盛行
- She went away with a flourish of bonnet. 她挥挥帽子走掉了。
- He went away with a flourish of his hat. 他挥帽而去。
- We appreciate your contributions to the flourish of our motherland. 感谢您为祖国的繁荣昌盛做出的贡献。
- Such phrases flow unsought at the flourish of a pen. 这些句子是摇笔即来,不假思索的。
- A loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets. 号曲响亮的铜管乐声,尤指号角
- The guests were welcomed with a flourish of trumpets. 客人们受到嘹亮乐曲的欢迎。
- While Mr Giovanelli bade him farewell with a too emphatic flourish of the hat. 乔瓦耐里先生则是故意把帽用力一挥,向他道别。
- Mountain pine bursts, the flourishing of works added some heroic atmosphere! 山间松林阵阵,枝繁叶茂,为作品增添了几分壮烈的气氛!
- Apply to the insomnious disease of flourishing of kidney empty liver. 适用于肾虚肝旺之失眠症。
- The hero is always introduced with a flourish of drums and trumpets. 英雄总是在鼓角齐鸣中出
- While Mr. Giovanelli bade him farewell with a too emphatic flourish of the hat. 乔瓦耐里先生则是故意把帽子用力一挥,向他道别。
- Mr. Giovanelli bade him farewell with a too emphatic flourish of the hat. 乔伐耐里先生同他说再会的时候,手中的帽子好像挥得太起劲了一点。
- With a flourish of their spears, the two men started sparring with each other. 两人拿长枪一比试, 便打了起来。
- The twentieth century brough another flourish of interest in Egyptology. 20世纪也有很多人对埃及学感兴趣。
- Interaction of parts is the impulsion to keep flourish of the Earth. 零件与零件之间的互动,就是维持这个地球生机盎然的原动力。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- The prosperity and flourishing of a society presupposes that its people be well-fed and well-clothed. 一个社会的繁荣昌盛是以丰衣足食为前提的。