- Their family has had dukes and marquises for many generations. 他们家世世代代都是公侯。
- His family has farmed cotton here for many generations. 他家数代耕种棉花。
- The two families have been at feud with each other for many generations. 这两家已有好几代的冤仇了。
- The two families have been feuding with each other for many generations. 这两个家族有好多代的世仇了。
- A cross with a bull-dog has affected for many generations the courage and obstinacy of greyhounds. 把猎犬和斗牛狗杂交可影响许多代猎犬的勇猛和顽固性。
- The Smangus people have resided there for many generations and many are outraged that this situation has come to this. 司马库斯的族人已长久地居住在司马库斯,也有许多人因为这事件如此发展而盛怒。)
- They lived in peace for many generations before the burning shadow came to engulf the world... 在那里熊猫人用石头和坚韧的竹苇建造起天然质朴但美丽的城市。
- For most generations sacrifice comes in drab and weariness of spirit. 过去的世世代代,多数的牺牲都是精神贫乏的无谓牺牲。
- For many generations of diners, a restaurant menu has been a way of sweet memory or recording a trip or voyage. 对于一代代食客来说,拿一份菜单已成为保留美好回忆或记录一次旅行或航行的一种形式。
- HWH furnishings and accessories designed by Harvey West and created by West Design Studio are objects that are intended for many generations. 韦斯特家居由哈维·韦斯特先生设计,由韦斯特设计公司作坊制作的韦斯特家居的家居用品和饰品为传世作品,可为多代人享用。
- The first two axioms elevate territorialism into the main operating principle of private international law, a position that remained unchallenged for many generations. 前两个原则将属地主义提升为国际私法领域的主要操作规则,这种地位多年来未受到挑战。
- For more general application the double time lag model should be used. 对于更一般的应用,应当采用双肘滞模型。
- Obviously, if for many generations the birth rate averages fewer than 2.1 children per woman, population must eventually stop growing. 很明显,如果许多代平均出生率一直低于每个妇女生育2.;1个子女,人口最终一定会停止增长。
- Ideal, easy-to-use workhorse unit for most general weighing applications. 大多数重物的理想称重工具,操作简便。
- For many years they warred against Nazi Germany. 他们同纳粹德国作战长达几年。
- In exchange for these 'goods', I'm willing to offer you a rare modulethat has been a family heirloom for many generations. 以交换这些 '货物' ,我愿意提供你已经是一个家庭传家宝有许多世代之久的一个稀有的组件。
- For many generations of diners,taking a restaurant menu has been a way of preserving a memory or documenting a trip or a voyage. 好几代人,把拿走餐馆的菜单看作是保存一段回忆或是记录一次旅行或航行。
- He has been here in London for many years. 他已在伦敦呆了很多年了。
- He has worked at physics/the topic for many years. 他从事于物理研究/这一课题许多年了。
- He lived for many years in this vale of tears. 他在这个世界上生活了很多年。