- formula translation language (FORTRAN) 公式翻译程序设计语言
- formula translating language 公式翻译语言
- formula translator language FORTRAN语言, 公式变换语言
- FORmula TRANslation; high-level programing language for mathematical and scientific purposes. 公式翻译;数学科学用途的高级程序语言。
- The name derives from FORmula TRANslation; it was the most widely used high-level language for scientific and engineering computations. 名称的由来是FORmula translation,在科学与工程计算多年来是最广泛使用的高级语言。
- Translation's web cannot translate language with correct gammar! 翻译网系冇可能翻译得晒,而且会有文法错误!
- Scientists work with mathematical formulas and this led to the development of FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation), the first high-level language. 科学家的工作与数学公式,这导致了发展的FORTRAN (公式翻译) ,第一次高级别语言。
- Formula Translation Programming Language 公式翻译编程语言
- Once you see web page translations in the Bilingual Viewer, you may change your original and translation language. 一旦您能在双语浏览器中看到网页翻译后,便可以更改您的源语言和翻译语言。
- You can select a translation language on the Windows Live Translator Beta (translator. Live. Com) page for your text or web page translations. 您可以在翻译试用版(translator.;live
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- The Language tab under Search Options (accessible through the "Options" link on the Live Search page) allows you to select a translation language into which pages are translated. “搜索设置”中的语言选项(从Live Search页的“选项”链接访问)允许您选择网页翻译的目标语言。
- UTT-Union Trust Translation Language Services is a company proved by State Administration for Industry and Trade providing language translation services. 北京众合睿信国际翻译有限公司是经国家工商行政管理总局批准的翻译和会议相关服务供应商(工商注册号:110108011240980)。
- My French isn't up to translating that letter. 我的法文不够好,翻译不了那封信。
- Too much licence was taken in translating the book. 这本书译得太离谱了。
- The formula of the medicine is still a secret. 此药的配方仍是秘密。
- "How do you do?" is a polite formula. "您好。"是客气的套语。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- It was Hart who created the basic formula of the western film. 正是这个哈特创造了西部电影的基本格局。