- The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming. 平静的海上没有一点迹象显示暴风雨即将来临。
- The calm sea gives no hint of the coming storm. 平静的大海根本没有暗示一场暴风雨就要来临。
- The calm sea gives no hint of the storm that is coming. 平静的海上没有一点迹象显示暴风雨即将来临。
- In Beijing, China's Xinhua state news agency on Sunday gave no hint of a change of heart on stronger sanctions. 在中国,国家新闻机构新华社周六没有给出任何将改变主意支持一项更严厉动议的暗示。
- His background gave no hint of the fantasising to come: an American father, a German mother, boyhood in Indianapolis, science at university. 他的背景毫无科幻色彩可言:父亲是美国人,母亲是德国人,他在印第安那波利斯度过少年时代,大学主修理科。
- The Victorian majesty of berthed ships gives no hint of the difficulties the cargo must overcome on its way to and from Santos, which handles 27% of Brazil's international trade. 停泊的维多利亚女王号坦露货物来往桑托斯必须克服各种困难,因为桑托斯港口处理的货物占全巴西国际贸易的27%25。
- There was no hint of any sense of guilt. 这里没有任何关于内疚感的暗示。
- In his behaviour there must be no hint of farewells. 在他的行为中绝对不能有任何永诀的暗示。
- He gave no hint that he was in pain. 他没有一点痛苦的样子。
- give no hint of 没有丝毫迹象显示
- There has been no hint of scandal during his time in office. 他在任期间没有任何丑闻。
- But there was no hint of courtesy or even ordinary politeness between them. 但他们之间没有谦虚的迹象,甚至连一般的礼貌都没有。
- It must show no hint of “slop” from top to bottom or side to side. 不能有任何上下颠簸或是左右摇晃。
- I have block in a plan of the house but have give no details. 我已画出房子的草图,但尚未标出细节。
- The preferred English handshake is a brief, vigorous affair with no hint of lingering. 英国人喜欢握手时简短、有力、毫无拖延之意。
- When he applied for the lucrative linguist job, Habib said his recruiter gave no hint he would join a ground assault in Taliban land. 哈比说,他在申请这份薪酬丰厚的翻译工作时,招聘人员并没有向他说明他会参加一次对塔利班阵地进行地面进攻的军事行动。
- It is a determinedly drab exterior, one that offers no hint of the radical work under way inside. 这公司毫无生气的外表掩盖了里面正在进行的超前的科研工作。
- The preferred English handshake is a brief,vigorous affair with no hint of lingering. 英国人喜欢握手时简短、有力、毫无拖延之意。
- There was more than a hint of sadness in his voice. 他的声音里有许多哀伤的成分。
- It is a determinedly drab exterior,one that offers no hint of the radical work under way inside. 这公司毫无生气的外表掩盖了里面正在进行的超前的科研工作。