- The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. 谚语:人们精心设计的计划往往容易出岔子。
- Just a few weeks later, though, things started to go awry. 不过仅仅几周后,情况就开始不妙了。
- In other words, the mechanisms that should ensure self-tolerance go awry. 换句话说,确保自我耐受性的机制已经发生错乱了。
- IN the absence of reliable, up-to-date information, markets go awry. 没有可靠、实时的信息,市场便会发生扭曲。
- It's also possible to go awry with the wrong jeans in the right place. 此外,也有可能在正确的地点穿着错误的牛仔裤。
- All my plans for the party had gone awry. 我的聚会计划全乱了套。
- My cap had gone awry, my apron was stained, my feet ached. 我的帽子歪了,围裙上污迹斑斑,两脚疼痛难忍。
- Brainburn: When things go awry, the user of a psionic item sometimes improperly manifests the stored power. 灵能灼流:产生失误时,灵能物品的使用者有时会错误展现所储异能。
- In regular,teaching emulation is finished by handwork,the workload is very big and easy to go awry. 传统的评教方式由于采用手工方式,因此工作量大并且容易出错。
- For an example of what can go awry, Chung need look no further than his father, the man who founded Korea's top conglomerate -- only to see it crumble under a mountain of debt. 要找一个前车之鉴的例子,郑不必从更远处去找,只要借鉴他父亲的经验教训就够了,他父亲建立了韩国最大的企业集团却眼看着它在巨大的债务重担下跨掉了。
- Or has something in the world's order gone awry at your expense? 又或者,是因为你的缘故而搞乱了世界的某种秩序?
- IT BECAME a classic example of a techno-Utopian prophecy gone awry. 这有一个技术乌托邦幻想破灭的经典范例。
- The definition of an investment should never be a trade gone awry. 投资不能以一次交易论成败。
- But sceptics say inflation will gallop if the scheme goes awry. 但怀疑人士称,若计划失败,将导致迅速通货膨胀。
- When that purpose changes its direction, things may appear fine, but as days go by, things will go awry. 当那样目的的方向改变后,起初一切看起来都还好,但随著日子一天天地过去,一切就变的一团乱。
- Another troubling aspect of these deals is how long it takes to untangle them when they go awry. 这些交易另一个麻烦的方面是,当这些交易失败时需要多久才能清理完哪。
- Things go awry when stress persists and your body has no opportunity to return to its resting state. 当压力持久不变,情形就有了偏离,你的身体不再有机会返回到它的原来的休眠状态。
- It's not football, the ball doesn't take funny bounces, but sometimes things go awry, there's no doubt about it. 这不是足球,不会有太多奇怪的起伏(大概足球不像篮球那么容易被逆转之类的),但有时大好形势下我们错失好局,不容置疑。”
- All went awry. 万事不顺。
- Of course, those forecasts could go awry if the U.S. economy tanks and brings Europe and Japan along with it. 当然,如果美国经济走入下坡并将欧洲和日本也带入衰退的话,那么这些预测就有可能与实际情况不符。