- The golden rule in playing tennis is to watch the ball closely. 打网球最重要的一点就是紧盯著球。
- Authenticity: a Golden Rule for the Reading Course? 真实性:衡量阅读课的唯一标准?
- Yhe golden rule of teaching is to be clear. 明了简洁是教学的金科玉律。
- The golden rule here is spread your risk. 这里的指导原则是:分散你的投资风险。
- "Time is life" is the golden rule to many doctors. “时间即生命”是许多医生的金科玉律。
- This is Kantian ethics; or, the Golden Rule. 这是不变的真理,或者说是金科玉律。
- This is the golden rule of flow. 这是流畅度的黄金准则。
- This is Kantian ethics;or, the Golden Rule. 这是不变的真理,或者说是金科玉律。
- The golden rule in any ballgame is to keep your eye on the ball. 球赛的准则是把眼睛盯着球。
- The golden rule in tennis is to keep your eye on the ball. 打好网球的重要原则是眼要紧盯着球。
- The golden rule is that there are no golden rules. 没有什么金科玉律,就是金科玉律。
- The golden rule is that there is no golden rules. 没有什么金科玉律,就是金科玉律。
- I hope the enemy learns of the Golden Rule, before they get to me! 哎,我真希望敌人在找我们麻烦之前多了解一些孔孟之道。
- The golden rule for after-dinner speeches is to keep them short and sweet. 发表餐后讲演的金科玉律是简明扼要。
- Kant's categorical imperative and the Golden Rule address the situation. 康德的无条件道德律令以及黄金规则就表明了这种境遇。
- Murphy's golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. 墨菲黄金定律:谁拥有黄金谁来定规则。
- In any relationship personal,business or social-when in doubt,follow this golden rule. 在处理各种关系无论是个人的,商务的或是社会的,遇到迷惘时,请奉行这一金科玉律。
- The only constant, daily, effective solution is politeness---which is the golden rule in action. 唯一能经常、每天使用的有效办法就是以礼待人这个行为准则。
- There is no golden rule to define the listener port settings for the best performance. 这个监听端口的最佳性能设置并没有一定的规则去定义。
- But she did make it a golden rule to ring the twins at six o'clock every evening to say goodnight to them. 不过,她为自己定了一条雷打不动的规矩,即每天晚上六点钟给她的孪生子打电话,祝他们晚安。