- The main features of the system are piecewise linear gray level transformation, slope angle adjustment, mapping and normalization, feature distilling. 本系统主要特征是分段线性灰度变换、斜度调整、射归一、征提取。
- This method has advantages of being easy to realize and high color sensitivity for gray level. 该方法和已有方法相比,具有容易实现、颜色对灰度等级分割的灵敏度高、实时效果好的特点。
- The Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) has been proved to be a promising method for image texture analysis. 图像的灰度共生矩阵(GLCM)已知被理论证明并且实验显示它在纹理分析中是一个很好的方法;广泛用于将灰度值转化为纹理信息.
- Second,a run length encode(RLE)is computed for the classified image,and a tree-based region find is employed to compute region feature. 在区域特征提取阶段,对象素分类所形成的二值图象实现行程编码,产生行程编码映射图,在此基础上,采用一种基于树的区域搜索算法计算出区域特征量。
- Because of its run length, users of the Electra XD Plate may be able to reduce plate usage and decrease energy costs. 因为它的运行长度,用户的电于xD板可以减少板的使用和减少能源成本。
- In the pre-pressed DTP system, image-input, line-screen level, gray level and image-output are all concerned with the scanning resolution. 在彩色桌面印前系统中,图像扫描输入、加网线数、灰度等级和照排机输出都与扫描分辨率有关。
- Simulation is utilized to evaluate the average run length (ARL) of the EWMA and GWMA control charts. 透过数值的模拟来衡量EWMA与GWMA管制图的平均连串长度(ARL)。
- The simulation indicates that this scheme reduces the DFC in SMPDP dramatically.To solve the problem of the poor gray level of S... 采用多帧图像的叠加显示和误差扩散方法,很好地解决图像灰度级不足的问题,从而提高荫罩式等离子体显示器的图像质量。
- The pattern recognizer has been evaluated by estimating the average run length and the rate of correct classification. 本研究以正确辨认率与侦测到目标模型的平均连串长度作为系统的评估指标。
- This algorithm doesn't need to meet the request of "constant gray level of the image", and reduces the tracking accumulative error. 该算法不仅不要求满足“图像灰度一致性”,而且有效地减少了跟踪的累积误差。
- The strength of a light signal does not diminish as much as the strength of an electrical signal does over an identical run length. 光讯号强度在相同线长度并没有和电的讯号强度减少同样多。
- The images of spores under microscope were captured by area-scan CCD camera,and the gray level images were then transferred into binary images by adjusting threshold. 利用面阵CCD摄像机采集显微镜中孢子的图像,通过灰度直方图确定初始阈值,再用二次定值法确定最终阈值,将灰度图像转换成二值图像。
- Reynolds, M.R., ''Approximations to the Average Run Length in Cumulative Sum Control Charts,''''Technometrics, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 65-71, 1975. 林明毅;在制程平均些微变动下管制图正确选用之探讨与研究;成功大学统计研究所;中华民国87年.
- The proposed method firstly detects correspondences based on gray level edge feature so that the focal lens can be counted based on correspondences uniqueness. 该方法首先使用基于灰度边缘特征点的图像匹配来获得匹配坐标,并由匹配坐标唯一性计算焦距;
- The paper presents a new binary watermark method based on Run Length Encoding(RLE) and Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT). 摘要 提出了一种二值水印嵌入方案。
- We used colour images of whitefly as samples,studied and discussed isolated point and unrelated small areas after performing gray level process and binary process. 本文以白粉虱的彩色图像为样本,对其进行了灰度及二值化处理。对处理过程中产生的孤立点和无关小区域的处理和删除进行了研究和探讨。
- RLE stands for Run Length Encoding. It is a lossless algorithm that only offers decent compression ratios in specific types of data. 游程编码主张运行长度编码。这是一个无损算法,该算法只提供体面的压缩比在特定类型的数据。
- The algorithm takes the pixel's location and gray level as the initial condition, and the parameters and iteration number as the keys, and then is applied to encrypt the image. 该算法将图像的像素坐标和灰度值作为广义猫映射的初始值,映射参数和迭代次数作为密钥,应用到图像加密中。
- The color feature (R/B ratio) is calculated based on RGB color model, and the texture features (contrast and correlation) are calculated by gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). 颜色特征的计算基于RGB色彩模型, 纹理特征的计算基于灰度共生矩阵。
- Built into the IVS software is Programme Inking, a facility that calculates the run length and powers down the delivery of ink to the ducts as the job comes to an end. 建成个人游软件方案脱墨,设施,计算运行长度和权力下交付的油墨向管道作为工作即将结束。