the activity of getting dressed; putting on clothes
用作名词 (n.)
Never underestimate the power of good grooming. 不要小看适当修饰的作用噢。
This article presents the evaluation and training programs in grooming for psychiatric patients. 本文旨在提出精神病患之仪容修饰评估和训练计划及内容。
Brow Grooming Brush grooms even the curliest, most unruly brows. 额头美容刷新,创造最不守规矩的眉毛。
Pet brush,pet comb,pet rake comb,pet scissor,pet nail clipper,horse grooming. 宠物刷,宠物梳,宠物耙梳,宠物美容剪,宠物指甲剪,马具。
Further, some high-ranking individuals started grooming specialists more often, even during periods when the machine was inoperative. 不仅如此,一些地位高的猴子开始更经常地为地位低的专家梳理毛发。