- A heavy debt lay on the family like a dead weight. 沉重的债务像千斤重担压在一家人的头上。
- The gambler was trapped in heavy debt. 那赌徒负债累累。
- At his father's death he is saddled with heavy debt. 他父亲一死,他负担起很重的债务。
- On account of his extravagance he was plunged into heavy debt. 由于挥霍浪费,他负债累累。
- The family was encumbered with heavy debts. 这个家庭为沉重的债务所累。
- He saddled his parents with heavy debts. 他让父母背上了沉重的债务。
- But it is also understandable why Macquarie and TPG Newbridge pressed on.PCCW has strong cashflows but heavy debt. 然而,麦格理和新桥资本之所以加紧攻势也是可以理解的,因为电讯盈科拥有强有力的现金流,只是它的债台高筑。
- Generally refers to those Shouldering a heavy debt burden, cash flow more tense. 一般泛指那些背负沉重债务负担、现金流比较紧张的人士。
- He had to shut the wineshop, after which he left the small town, as he was in heavy debt as time went by. 开始,李守道还坚持着,时间一长,越亏越多,欠了一屁股债,酒店只好关门。李守道从此也离开了小镇。
- A month before harvesting, the plants were washed away by some unusually heavy rains, leaving the farmer with a heavy debt that he was unable to pay. 收割前一个月,几场罕见的大雨把农作物都给冲走了,留给这农民一笔沉重的债务,他根本就无力偿还。
- At his father's death ,he was saddled with heavy debts . 他的父亲一死,他负担起很重的债务。
- At his father's death he was saddled with heavy debts. 父亲一死,他负担起很重的债务。
- The combination of heavy debt burden, financial market strain, high interest rates and industrial recession throughout the world are more than enough to snuff out the feeble falterings at recovery in the British economy. 世界范围的沉重的债务,紧缩的金融市场,高昂的利率以及工业的衰退等等,所有这一切足以一笔勾销处在恢复期的英国经济的虚弱无力的回升。
- Since the business separation of postal-service from telecommunication in 1999, Xinjiang postal service has faced many problems such as: slack financial management, heavy debt, higher business cost and expanse and serious loss. 1999年邮政、电信电分营后,新疆邮政面临财务管理粗放、债务负担重、企业成本费用水平高、亏损严重等方面的诸多问题,3-5年内,新疆邮政能否根据国家邮政扭亏发展战略,实现逐年减亏,并步入良性循环,是新疆邮政财务管理工作关键所在。
- JAL has struggled to finance one of the industry's heaviest debt loads amid a deep downturn in air travel. 在航空旅行深度低迷之际,日本航空苦苦支撑着业内最沉重的债务负担之一。
- Chen Zhaohui was an expert at drinking, eating, womanizing, and gambling.From his youth he was addicted to the lottery, which ultimately resulted in a heavy debt, and broke his family's heart. 富有的日子容易让人沉沦,陈兆辉吃喝嫖赌样样都精通,从年轻时迷上大家乐导致负债累累,也让家人心碎不已。
- My heaviest debt for problems remains to Aaron Director and George J.Stigler, but I have continued to borrow from other colleagues as well. 在习题上使我受惠最多的仍然是阿伦.;戴维德和乔治
- Wasteful people usually end up in debt. 挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。
- Huggins made satisfaction for his debt. 哈金斯还清了他的欠债。
- He lugged a heavy handcart along. 他使劲拉走那笨重的手推车。