- In the scramble to escape certain death, Wam grabbed a hunting rifle that had fallen into the pit. 在逃命的过程中,万抢到一把掉入洞中的猎枪。
- The contest comes to an end in early January. The winner gets a new hunting rifle. 这个猎鹿大赛将一直持续到一月初,得胜者将获得一支来福猎枪。
- In many European countries, no ambitious politician would want to be seen with a hunting rifle in his hands and a cuddly animal in his sights. 在许多欧洲国家,没有哪一个胸怀大志的政治家希望别人发现,自己手中拿着一支来福枪,对着视线中某个小生灵。
- Uses the double barrelled hunting rifle, at first fires at the goal is the live pigeon, latter replaces with the putty system. 采用双筒猎枪,最初射击目标为活鸽,后用泥制物代替。
- But the critics themselves faced criticism Tuesday after 52-year-old top chef Bernard Loiseau was found shot dead in his home on Monday afternoon, his own hunting rifle at his side. 但是,本周二餐厅批评家们自身也面临着批评,那是在周一下午52岁的高级厨师贝尔那尔-路瓦梭被人发现在家中中弹身亡之后,他自己的猎枪就在身边。
- The administrative department of industry and commerce deals with registration by the license of sales permits of hunting rifles and ammunition. 工商行政管理部门凭猎枪弹具销售许可证办理登记注册。
- He also carried a rifle for hunting. 他同时也会带着一支步枪来打猎。
- The hunter steadied his rifle and fired. 猎人端稳了猎枪,然后开了火。
- The hunt for the lost child continued until she was found. 寻找失踪儿童的工作一直持续到将她找到为止。
- The rifle was discharged accidently. 步枪走火了。
- In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose. 打猎时他射下一只大大雁。
- The guard was killed with a high-powered rifle. 那卫兵被杀伤力大的火枪击毙了。
- The boys went hunting with their falcon. 男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。
- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- Rifle reports could be heard in the distance. 听得见远处传来的步枪声。
- A volley of automatic rifle fire could be heard. 一阵自动步枪的扫射声传了过来。
- They went hunting with a pack of hounds. 他们带一群猎狗去打猎。
- He pulled the trigger of his rifle. 他扣响了他步枪的扳机。
- He is hunting for his lost book. 他正在寻找一本丢失的书。
- Rest the butt of the rifle on the ground. 把步枪竖放在地上。