- Relativity has had a powerful impact upon man's view of his place in the universe. 相对论已强有力地冲击了人们关于人类在宇宙中的地位之观点。
- And you must; for many seemingly simple habits can have a huge impact upon your rapport with your team. 你必须意识到许多显而易见的简单习惯将影响到你对你的团队的亲和力。
- These changes lay negative impact upon civilians' health and maladies as a whole. 这些变化对国民的群体体质、疾病模式等产生重大了影响。
- It seemed to Rudolf that the lighthouse keeper was entirely aware of all the sounds of the storm and of its vioolent impact upon the lighthouse. 鲁道夫觉得看灯塔的老人完全意识到了暴风雨的一切轰鸣声及其对灯塔的猛烈冲击。
- The giftedness of a pastor, his disposition, spirituality, along with his work ethics &style, all have a profound impact upon the church. 传道人的恩赐,性格,灵性,与做事的态度和方法,全都会大大影向著教会的。
- But if China becomes an economic superpower, then Wenzhou's manufacturing mechanism will have an impact upon the whole world economy. 但是,如果中国成为了经济超级大国,那么温州的制造机制将对整个世界经济造成影响。
- There is no doubt that the characteristics of the new media with deep impact upon human life prove McLuhan's ideas to be correct and reasonable. 根据研究问题,本研究将从各ICP首页或彩信首页的网页设计看其MMS未来的发展对策来作为日后可参考的多媒体短信发展模式,以及媒介技术的改变渗透在我们生活中,作为“人的延伸”,恰是麦克卢汉媒介技术观的体现。
- How might interdisciplinary education impact upon established "cultures of practices" in learning, teaching and assessment? 跨学科教育于已建立的教与学传统及评估文化,又会造成甚麽冲击?
- Chuang-tzu, the cultural leading figure which has enduring impact upon those of later ages, built his prestige on his content of thought. 庄子这一文化巨擘之所以能在后世继续扬波逐澜、彪炳春秋赖于其自身所具有的思想含量。
- Intake frequencies of bean, alcohol, staple food and vegetable and taste habit showed significant impact upon diastolic blood pressure. 豆类及其制品、白酒、主食及蔬菜的摄入频率以及喜食辣、咸口味等变量对基线舒张压也有显著性影响。
- In Ptolemy II's time, two Buddhist missionaries arrived, sent by King Asoka of India, but they appear to have made little impact upon the pleasure-loving city. 在托勒密二世统治时,印度国王阿育王派遣了两名僧侣来到亚历山大市,但他们并没给这座喜好享乐的城市带来多大的影响。
- The tourism industry impacts upon many environmental and economic areas. 旅游产业对旅游地的环境和经济产生了很多影响。
- Wastes shall fall into three categories in accordance with factors such as toxicity, harmful substance content, impact upon the marine environment, etc. 废弃物根据其毒性、有害物质含量和对海洋环境的影响等因素,分为三类。
- The similarity between parents and teachers lies in the fact that they both can have a great impact upon the behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts of children. 父母和老师之间的相同之处就在于他们都对孩子的行为,态度,和思维有很大的影响。
- As precursor to the present-day European Union (EU), the ECSC's existence over the past half century has transformed Europe and had a major impact upon the world. 欧洲煤钢共同体为欧洲联盟的前身,半个世纪以来,它的存在改变了欧洲,影响了世界。
- Particularly critical to our spiritual progress is our selection of friends and companions, who can have the most decisive impact upon our personal destiny. 对于我们的灵性进步特别重要的,是朋友与同伴的选择,那些人对我们的个人命运能够起决定性的影响。
- The office products remanufacturing industry has made and will continue to contribute a substantial positive impact upon the enviroment and the economy wherever it exits. 无论在哪里,办公产品再生行业已经和将会给其存在地区的环保和经济来巨大积极的影响。
- Relatively, the resolution acidity had impact upon the distribution of Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn in Gentiana scabra Bge. in the medium of n-octanol/water system. 锌、铁、铜、锰在正辛醇/水分配体系中溶出性受酸碱性影响大些。
- Simplified Chinese has imposed great impact upon the development of Chinese language, but there exist some problems which should be coped with actively. 简化字给中国语言文字应用带来了巨大的影响,对于简化字使用中存在的现实问题,我们应积极地解决。