- impolite speech acts 不礼貌言语行为
- The speech act of answering an attack on your assertions. 回应对你的主张的攻击性的演讲行为。
- Searle, J. R. Speech Acts [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. 熊学亮.;认知语用学概论[M]
- The indirect apodosis is often a speech act without a speech-act prefix. 间接论断句经常是省略了言语举动前缀的言语举动。
- According to speech act theory, we are performing actions when we are speaking. 根据言语行为理论,我们说话的同时是在实施某种行为。
- Speech act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language. 言语行为理论是语言语用研究中的一个重要理论。
- Pragmatics is the study of deixis ( at least in part), implicature, presupposition, speech acts, and aspects of discourse structure. 语用学是对指示(至少是其中的一部分)、含义、前提、言语行为以及话语结构各个侧面的研究。
- Abstract: Structuralist linguistics represents a new, dualistic approach to the speech acts of human beings. 结构主义语言学确立了将人类的语言活动纳入二元对立体系分别进行考察的新方法。
- However Austin gets his new discovery just from the latter kind of sentences,which is called Speech Acts Theory. 奥斯汀却在这类词句的研究中作出了新发现,提出了言语行为理论。
- A New Method of News Text Understanding and Abstracting?Based on Speech Acts Theory?? 一种应用言语行为理论的新闻篇章理解与摘要生成方法
- Based on the above classifications, we classify speech acts broadly into two types: non-conflictive and conflictive. 在此分类基础上,我们将言行为大致分为非冲突类和冲突类。
- Abstract:Structuralist linguistics represents a new, dualistic approach to the speech acts of human beings. 结构主义语言学确立了将人类的语言活动纳入二元对立体系分别进行考察的新方法。
- Searle,J.R.1979.Expression and Meaning:Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. 赵艳芳.;认知语言学概论[M]
- Grice, H.P.Logic and Conversation[A].In Cole &Morgan(eds).Semantics 3: Speech Acts. 刘润清.;英语语篇分析[A]
- Searle classified speech acts into five categories: representatives, directives, commissives, expressives and declarations. Searle将言语行为分为五类:断言性言语行为、指令性言语行为、承诺性言语行为、表达性言语行为和宣告性言语行为。
- However the major studies of refusal speech acts focus on thesincere refusals and there is relative paucity of research on ostensible refusals. 然而大部分有关拒绝言语行为的研究只侧重于诚意拒绝言语行为,对于非诚意决绝,尤其是虚假拒绝言语行为的系统研究甚少。
- It is very impolite to call others a dunce. 叫别人蠢材是不礼貌的。
- On the other hand, another sub-conclusion is drawn: all kinds of discourses are the sub-classes of Narrative Report of Speech Acts (NRSA). 这就从视角和声音的角度证明了海明威式叙述者本质上的不“静”。
- Mediated by language, subjects form communicative community among themselves, and realize the communicative relatedness in speech acts. 主体间通过语言的媒介,构成交往共同体,并在言语行为中实现其交往关系。
- A proper use of requests is one way of implementing polite speech acts,which plays an important role in the successful communication. 正确使用“请求语”是实施礼貌言语行为的一种方式,它对交际的成功起着很重要的作用。