- The costs are logarithmic that is, they increase tenfold as time increases. 成本成对数级增长,它们随着时间的增加,增长了数十倍。
- His awareness of her was abruptly increased tenfold. 他对她的好感突然一下子增加了十倍。
- In the past 120 years the population has increased tenfold. 在过去一百二十年中,人口已膨胀了十倍。
- The company estimates that the amount of internet traffic accounted for by video communication will increase tenfold by 2013, twice as fast as traffic overall. 思科估计,2013年视频通信所占网络流量将飙升到现在的十倍,其增速是网络总流量增速的两倍。
- Thanks to air-conditioning, its population increased tenfold to 18m, making it the fourth-largest state. 得益于空调业的发展,人口在战后翻了十倍,达到1800万人,一跃成为美国第四大州。
- They've been closed for at least the past 10 years, and during that time, pork-barrel earmarks have increased tenfold. 在至少过去十年关闭期间,“猪肉桶耳号”(比喻立法腐败)增长了十倍。
- Wind-blown dust storms in the Sahara Desert have increased tenfold since 1950 mostly because of drought due to climate change, and human population growth. 风沙尘暴的撒哈拉大沙漠已经增加了十倍自1950年以来,主要是因为乾旱因气候变化和人类人口的增长。
- The culture of the potato and of food-yielding plants,and the more recent improvements made in agriculture generally,have increased tenfold the productive powers of the human race for the creation of the means of subsistence. 然而,现在一个欧洲就有两亿人在生活,马纷薯与其他粮食作物种植的推进与近来农业上一般的改进,使人类供应食料的生产力提高了十倍。
- The culture of the potato and of food-yielding plants, and the more recent improvements made in agriculture generally, have increased tenfold the productive powers of the human race for the creation of the means of subsistence. 然而现在一个欧洲就有两亿人在生活,马纷薯与其他粮食作物种植的推进与近来农业上一般的改进,使人类供应食料的生产力提高了十倍。
- B. Risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia are the same as those for endometrial cancer. The risk for both disorders is increased tenfold in women who use unopposed estrogen-replacement therapy. 子宫内膜不典型增生的危险因素与子宫内膜癌的危险因素相同。在使用无拮抗的雌激素替代治疗的妇女中患这两种疾病的概率会增加10倍以上。
- China's GDP has increased tenfold since 1978, and growth is still racing along at double-digit rates, lifting millions out of poverty and filling the coffers of both people and government. 中国的GDP自1978年以来增长十倍,而且它的增长仍然持续双位数,让数以百万计的人们脱贫,让民众和政府的钱箱满起来。
- Fan Jinggang, 32, Utopia's manager and a former graduate student in Marxism at Peking University, said sales of books about Mao have increased tenfold since the economic crisis began. 他说“官僚、老板和精英知识分子组成了一个强大的利益集团,而中国老百姓,如工人和农民,却被边缘化,从改革中受益很少。”
- We anticipate that demand is likely to increase. 我们预料需求可能增加。
- We get an automatic increase in pay every year. 我们的薪金每年会自动增长。
- His awareness of her was abruptly increased tenfold 他对她的好感突然一下子增加了十倍。
- There was a steady increase in population. 人口在不断增长中。
- There was uproar over the tax increase. 增税引起了一片怨声。
- the population increased tenfold 人口以十倍的速度增长
- He added some wood to increase the fire. 他加了一些木柴,使火旺些。