- infected cell polypeptides(ICPs) 感染细胞多肽
- infected cell polypeptides ICPs
- The dosage was geared down to a level which would work on the infected cells but not upset their metabolism. 药剂量要减少到既能对受感染细胞起作用,又不损害它们的代谢作用。
- The dosage was geared down to a level which would work on the infected cells but not upset their normal metabolism. 药量已被减低到某一水平,既足以对付受感染的细胞,又不会干扰正常的新陈代谢。
- But chlamydiae somehow compel their entry vacuoles to avoid lysosomes, enabling the bacteria to proliferate freely while separated physically from the rest of the infected cell. 不过,披衣菌却有办法让进入细胞的囊泡避开溶小体,使披衣菌与受感染细胞的其他部份隔离,而能自由增殖。
- The infected cells then migrate to other areas of the body. 受感染的细胞接着转移到身体的其他部位。
- Specific bright yellow green flurescene was observed in the plasmas of infected cell by indirect fluorescent antibody test. 用间接荧光抗体试验在细胞浆中观察到特异性黄绿色荧光;
- A virus will remain relatively safe from immune destruction if it remains within the cell and allows only very low or no viral antigen expression on the infected cell membrane. 如果病毒一直在细胞内并且只有很少或几乎无抗原表达到感染细胞膜上。
- As peptide glycoproteins react with viral particles leaving infected cells. 作为离开被感染细胞的病毒粒子起作用的胜肽聚醣蛋白。
- Bovine viral diarrhea virus strandard strain-Oregon C24V was cultured on the madin darby bovine kidney(MDBK) cell line, the regular CPE was presented in infected cell after intro cultured 72-hour. 试验中应用MDBK细胞培养牛病毒性腹泻病毒标准株Oregon C24V,72小时出现细胞病变(CPE):细胞变圆、细胞核固缩到边缘、胞浆内出现大量空泡、脱落。
- HC may induce fibrogenesis directly by hepatic stellate cell actiation or indirectly by promoting oxidatie stress and apoptosis of infected cells. 慢性丙型肝炎可能通过肝脏星形胶质细胞的活化、或者间接通过促进氧化应激和受感染细胞的凋亡,直接诱导纤维形成。
- Jinyebaidu agent may play the antivirus action by increasing the expression of cyclinD_1 and CDK4 in HCMV infected cells and accelerating host cell proliferation. 金叶败毒制剂可能通过促进HCMV感染细胞cyclinD1及CDK4的表达,促进宿主细胞增殖而发挥抗病毒作用。
- The increased UNG2 in HIV-1 infected cells may lead to weakening Th cell function by decreasing TCR diversity,and may benefit incorporation of this enzyme into HIV-1 particles. HIV-1感染导致的UNG2表达上调,可能通过减少TCR的多样性削弱Th的功能,另一方面可能有利于病毒对UNG2的包装。
- The dosagewas geared down to a level which would work on the infected cells but not upset their metabolism. 药剂量要减少到既能对受感染细胞起作用,又不损害它们的代谢作用。
- Cells were perforated, granzyme B will be able to enter and destroy infected cells. 细胞被穿孔了,颗粒酶B就能够进入并破坏受感染的细胞。
- As infected cells die, the viruses inside them are released and then proceed to infect adjacent tumor cells. 一旦肿瘤细胞死亡,其中的病毒释放并感染邻近的肿瘤细胞。
- They raise the antiviral responses in the infected cells by inducing several interferon inducible pathways. 主要通过几种干扰素诱导途径来提高感染的细胞抗病毒应答。
- Sometimes the Target is a lethal component that destroys infected cells, much like a venom or a poison. 有时候,“目标”是摧毁被感染细胞的致命因子,更像某种毒液或毒药。
- The infected cells ( 293-BK cells ) grew as well as other 293 cells, and formed colony in soft agar 14 days later. 感染细胞(称作293-BK细胞)如其他293细胞一样生长;14天后可在软琼脂中形成细胞集落.
- The researchers say the number of infected cells decreased by an average of seventy-five percent in three of the four people. 研究员们说四分之三的人细胞感染的数量下降百分之七十五。